Grid development

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Studies and reviews

RES perspective in Baltic countries

The purpose of the review is to compare the development policy of power plants using renewable energy sources (RES) in three Baltic countries: 20-20 targets set in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the current measures for the spur of RES integration and the requirements and conditions for the RES integration into the power systems. The review also contains the expert evaluation of the impact of the EU leaders agreement about the climate change targets for 2030 on the power systems in the Baltic countries. 
The review indicates all three Baltic countries have taken the necessary measures to implement the 20-20 targets for the RES development. The conditions for further development are similar in all three countries and the atractiveness of investments to RES will depend on the political will. 
The review was carried out by the Baltic PSOs: Litgrid (Lithuania),  Augstsprieguma tikls (Latvia) and Elering (Estonia).