The current methodology for the calculation of cross-border capacities will remain the same till beginning of 2016
Baltic transmission system operators have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the calculation and allocation of cross-border capacities next year. The document, which becomes effective as of 1 January 2015, formalizes the status quo: the rules, applied in 2014, will be used until the end of 2015. The principles of calculation and allocation of capacities will remain unchanged throughout next year, until the start of LitPol Link and NordBalt operation.
“Currently used methodology for the calculation and allocation of capacities facilitates the effective and maximum use of the electricity infrastructure,” said Daivis Virbickas, member of the Board and CEO of the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid.
The terms and conditions established in the Memorandum provide the opportunity for electricity market participants to evaluate this year’s experience and use it to plan their actions for the year to come.
The Memorandum establishes the principles of cooperation of Baltic transmission system operators and covers the signed bilateral agreements. Reliability of the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian power systems is guaranteed by constant regional coordination, information exchange on commercial and physical electricity flows, harmonised terms and notions, and clearly defined functions of each operator.
Market participants can find the respective rules applicable during 2015 in the following sites of the Baltic TSOs:
1) Lithuanian TSO Litgrid
2) Latvian TSO AST
3) Estonian TSO Elering