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2022 Material events

16 08 2022
Decisions taken in the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of LITGRID AB
The following decision were adopted in the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LITGRID AB (company code 302564383, registered office at Karlo Gustavo Emilio Manerheimo g. 8, Vilnius) on 16 August 2022:
Regarding approval of LITGRID AB Board’s decision of 22 July 2022 (minutes No. 16)
  1. Approved to amend the material conditions of the contract “No 21VP-SUT-220 for design and work of reconstruction of the 330 kV air line Darbėnai - Bitėnai (LN 330) with AB „Kauno tiltai“ (legal entity code 133729589) ir UAB „LITENERGOSERVIS“ (legal entity code 302244515),
  • The Contract price – the amount of 7 727 226,02EUR, exclusive of VAT, is allocated additionally for the performance of the Contract; the total Contract price is 54 657 226,02 EUR, exclusive of VAT. 
  • 3.4. point of Pricing rules is laid down as follows:
"If the value of the price index of construction cost elements published by the Statistics Department of the Republic of Lithuania (www.stat.gov.lt) "All construction costs" (hereinafter - the Index) within 6 months or longer, which is calculated from the conclusion of the Agreement (or from the last price of the Agreement recalculation due to a change in the Index, if the Contract price was recalculated), changed by 5% or more, the Contract price may be recalculated at the initiative of any of the Parties. The recalculation of the contract price is not based on the Index published by the Statistics Department of the Republic of Lithuania, but on individual materials and products ("concrete and reinforced concrete products", "concrete and mixtures", "electrotechnical materials", "metal products", "pipes"), "machines and mechanisms labour', 'wages and overheads' indices' (hereinafter - Conversion indices)."
  • 3.8. point of Pricing rules is laid down as follows:
"For the first recalculation of the Contract price, it is used the month of the Contract conclusion, i.e. in 2021 November, conversion indices. In case of subsequent recalculations, the value of the Index at the beginning of the period shall be as it was the value of the Index at the end of the period (as specified in the Agreement)."
  1. To authorise the CEO of LITGRID AB to make decision, without a separate decision of the Board of LITGRID AB, regarding the change of the essential condition of the Contract - the Contract price - by reducing the price without any restrictions or by increasing the price by entering into agreements on the acquisition of additional works and/or on a reasonable increase in the prices of materials/equipment, if the total amount of all agreements on the prices of additional work does not exceed 10% (that is, 5 465 722,6 EUR, exclusive of VAT) of the original Contract price.
To oblige the CEO of LITGRID AB to inform the Board, before making such a decision, by e-mail of the decisions made in Point II. of this Decision regarding the amendment of the material condition of the Contract.
The individual authorized by LITGRID AB to provide additional information:
Lukrecijus Tubys
Project manager
Communication Division
Phone: +370 616 20036
e-mail: [email protected]
08 04 2022 
The proposal of UAB "EPSO-G" on nomination of members of Litgrid AB board was received  
Litgrid AB shareholder company UAB „EPSO-G“, based on the Company Law, 25 pt.4 of the Republic of Lithuania and 05/04/2022 the recommendation of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of UAB EPSO-G, for the eighth point in the schedule for the 20/04/2022 Ordinary Shareholder meeting  (8. Election of members of LITGRID AB Board) nominate Tomas Varneckas and Gediminas Karalius as the board members of Litgrid AB.
The individual authorised by Litgrid AB to provide additional information: 
18 03 2022
LITGRID AB, electricity transmission system operator, company code 302564383, registered office address Karlo Gustavo Emilio Manerheimo str. 8, Vilnius, Lithuania is publishing Company's financial statements, annual report and the Independent auditor’s report for the year ended 31st December 2021.
Key financial indicators in 2021:
  • Revenue – EUR 270.6 million (2020 – EUR 207.5 million).
  • EBITDA – EUR 46.2 million (2020 – EUR 51.8 million).
  • Net profit – EUR 20 million (2020 – EUR 26.6 million).
The notice on the Annual General Shareholder meeting of LITGRID AB will be published on March 25.
The annual information is published in the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) in compliance with the requirements of European Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815 of 17 December 2018 (zip file attached). This is the official format for the annual information that will be approved by the Ordinary General Shareholders‘ Meeting. The annual information (without the auditor‘s report) is additionally provided in pdf format as a copy of the published ESEF information.

04 02 2022
Unaudited financial results of Litgrid AB for the twelve months of 2021  
LITGRID AB, company code 302564383, registered office address Karlo Gustavo Emilio Manerheimo str.8, Vilnius, Lithuania, is publishing results of the Company for the twelve months of 2021.
Key financial unaudited indicators in 2021:
  • Revenue – 270.6 million euros (2020 – 207.5 million euros);
  • EBITDA – 47.2 million euros (2020 – 51.8 million euros);
  • Net profit –  19.5 million euros (2020 – 26.6 million euros).
Key performance indicators in 2020:
  • Transmitted electricity – 10.936 TWh (2020 – 10.089 TWh);
  • Average interruption time (AIT) for which the operator is responsible – 0.112 min. (2020 – 0.209 min.);
  • Amount of energy not supplied (ENS) for which the operator is responsible –  3.356 MWh (2020 – 6.213 MWh).
04 02 2022
Concerning the opinion of the Audit Committee  
Lithuanian electricity transmission operator LITGRID AB (company code 302564383, registered office address Karlo Emilio Gustavo Manerheimo st. 8, Vilnius, Lithuania), informs that on 3rd  February 2022 the opinion of the Audit Committee of the holding company UAB “EPSO-G” was received on the planned transactions with related party AB “Ignitis gamyba”:
  • Additional agreement to the contract for the purchase and sale of the isolated electricity system work service on the preparation for the provision of the isolated work service
On 3rd February 2022, the Audit Committee of UAB “EPSO-G” considered the Transactions with related party and adopted the following decisions by means of a survey:
After evaluating all the submitted information of LITGRID AB, the Audit Committee of UAB “EPSO-G”, in accordance with Article 372 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, gives an opinion on the planned Isolated Operation Service Agreement:
  1. The additional agreement is in line with market conditions, since the costs incurred by IG will be calculated same as it would be for other unrelated parties, i.e., the difference between balancing energy price and the electricity price on the exchange market. Balancing energy prices are specified in the Isolated Operation Service Agreement.
  2. The additional agreement is concluded in accordance with the requirements of the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, ensuring the reliable and stable operation of the electricity system of the Republic of Lithuania, is fair and reasonable with respect to all shareholders of LITGRID AB taking into account the objective necessity of concluding the additional agreement.
The decision provided in in paragraph 1 – the opinion of the Audit Committee of UAB “EPSO-G” – will enter into force when the amendment to the order of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania “Regarding the 2012-06-08 order of the Minister of Energy No. 1-116 amendment” , dated 31-01-2022, project No. Nr. 22-1154 will be issued.
02 02 2022
Decisions taken in the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of LITGRID AB
The following decisions were adopted in the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LITGRID AB (company code 302564383, registered office at Karlo Gustavo Emilio Manerheimo g. 8, Vilnius) on 1 December 2021:
  1. Regarding approval of LITGRID AB Board’s decision No. 3 of 10 January 2022 (minutes No. 1)
  1. To approve the creation of non-current assets by entering into 330/110/10 kV Jonava TP reconstruction design and contract works contract with Kauno tiltai AB, a company established and operating under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, legal entity code 300513148, whose registered office is Ateities pl. 46, LT-52502, Kaunas. The contract price is 19 940 000 EUR (excluding VAT), 24 127 400 EUR (with VAT).
  2. To approve the essential terms and conditions of the 330/110/10 kV Jonava TS reconstruction design and contract works contract:
    1. Parties of the Contract – LITGRID AB, a company established and operating in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, legal entity code 302564383, with its registered office at Karlo Gustavo Emilio Manerheimo str. 8, LT-05131, Vilnius, data on the company are collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania, on the one hand, and
joint-stock company Kauno tiltai, a company established and operating in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, legal entity code 133729589, whose registered office is at Ateities pl. 46, LT-52502, Kaunas, data on the company are collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania on the other hand;
  1. Object of the Contract is the 330/110/10 kV Jonava TS reconstruction design and construction works contract (according to the standard terms and conditions of the LITGRID AB standard design and construction works procurement contract, approved by the Order No. 20IS-196 of the General Director of 23 December 2020).
  2. Term of the Contract – The term of performance of the Works is 46 months from the date of conclusion of the Contract. The contract is valid until the parties have fully fulfilled their contractual obligations or terminated the contract.
  3. Contract price and pricing, settlement procedure, reserve:
  • Contract price – 19 940 000 EUR (excluding VAT).
  • Pricing – The price calculation method used is a fixed price with a view. The procedure for price review is specified in Clause 7.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
  • Payment procedure – the Contract price will be paid in installments according to the Worksheet (for Engineering Research and Technical Project Preparation Works – according to Annex 6) attached as Annex 15 to the Special Conditions of the Contract) and a monthly report (a standard form for the monthly contract report is attached as Annex 13 to the Special Conditions of the Contract).
  • Reserve – not applicable.
    1. Liability security measures – The performance of the Contract will be secured by a first-demand, unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee acceptable to the Customer. The amount of the security is 10%. from the original Contract price (excluding VAT).
    2. Other conditions – the Customer has the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract without going to court, notifying the Contractor thereof not later than 30 calendar days in advance, if the Government of the Republic of Lithuania adopts a decision confirming non-compliance with national security interests.
  1. To authorize the General Director of LITGRID AB without a separate decision of the Board of LITGRID AB to make decisions on changing the essential term of the Contract – Contract price – by reducing the price without any restrictions or increasing the price by concluding additional works agreements, if the total amount of all additional works 3% (t.y. 598 200 EUR excluding PVM) of the original Contract price.
  2. To oblige the General Director of LITGRID AB to inform the Board about the decisions made in paragraph 3 of this decision regarding the change of the essential term of the Contract before making such a decision by e-mail letter.
The individual authorized by LITGRID AB to provide additional information:
Jurga Eivaitė
Project manager
Communication Division
Phone: +370 613 19977
e-mail: [email protected]
01 11 2022
Concerning the opinion of the Audit Committee  
Lithuanian electricity transmission operator LITGRID AB (business ID 302564383, registered office address Karlo Gustavo Emilio Manerheimo st. 8, Vilnius, Lithuania) informs that on the 11th January 2022 the opinion of the Audit Committee of the holding company UAB EPSO-G (hereinafter – EPSO-G) has been received regarding the intention to conclude the transaction between LITGRID AB and the related party UAB EPSO-G (hereinafter – the Transaction) on the transfer of tax losses of the year 2019 to LITGRID AB revoking the transferred losses.
On 11 January 2022, the Audit Committee of EPSO-G considered the Transaction and issued the opinion:
  1. Compliance of the Transaction with market conditions is not assessed due to the reason that the Transaction is executed exclusively in accordance with requirements established in the Article 561 of the Law on Corporate Income Tax of the Republic of Lithuania, i. e. the Transaction could not be entered into with an entity other than  EPSO-G group entity;
  2. The Transaction is fair and reasonable with respect to all shareholders of LITGRID AB as the amount of tax losses of the year 2019 returned by EPSO-G will be disposed by LITGRID AB reducing the taxable income base due to the changes of the taxation principle of the congestion management income.