Construction of Klaipėda-Telšiai electricity transmission line
The 330 kV electricity transmission line Klaipėda-Telšiai, the first of its kind since the restoration of Lithuania‘s independence, will extend across the districts of Klaipėda, Plungė and Telšiai. The length of the line is 89 km. The construction is planned to be completed at the end of 2014.
Significance of the project
This project has great importance for Lithuania‘s integration into the European power system and the European market for electricity. The transmission line is required in order to make full use of the NordBalt Link. Upon putting the line into operation at the end of 2015, it will be used for the transmission of electricity supplied from the Nordic countries.
Purpose of the project
The special plan for the project is being prepared on the basis of the Master Plan of the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania (Žin., 2002, No 110-4852); the National Energy Strategy (Žin., 2007, No 11-430), and Order of the Ministry of the Economy of the Republic of Lithuania No 4-222 “Concerning Preparation of the Special Plan for the Construction of the 330 kV Overhead Power Transmission Line Klaipėda-Telšiai“ (Žin., 2008, No 62-2366).
Planning objectives. The National Energy Strategy approved by the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania on 18 January 2007 provides for increasing of reliability of power transmission in the western part of the country by constructing a 330 kV power transmission line Klaipėda-Telšiai; the most suitable option for the 330 kV power transmission line Klaipėda-Telšiai will be selected and the feasibility of construction and operation of the project in the selected location will be assessed; the territories for the development of the project will be reserved and the conditions of their use, management, protection and other requirements will be set. Planning level: a regional level special territorial planning document to be approved by the Ministry of the Economy of the Republic of Lithuania.
Main characteristics of the project:
Length of power line: 89 km
Transmission power: 900 MW
Project value: LTL 68.1 million
Transmission power: 900 MW
Project value: LTL 68.1 million
Calendar of events:
2008-2009 – drawing up and approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report
2009-2010 – drawing up of the special plan
2009-2011 – preparation and approval of the technical design, obtaining of construction permits
December 2011 – construction contract with A. Žilinskio ir ko UAB.
2011-2014 – construction of the power transmission line
2009-2010 – drawing up of the special plan
2009-2011 – preparation and approval of the technical design, obtaining of construction permits
December 2011 – construction contract with A. Žilinskio ir ko UAB.
2011-2014 – construction of the power transmission line
Funding of the project
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under Measure “Modernisation and Development of the Power Transmission System“, Priority 4 “The Fundamental Economic Infrastructure“ of the EU Economic Growth Operational Programme.