November witnessed the lowest average electricity market price since May
In November, the average electricity price in the Lithuanian trading zone of the Nord Pool Spot was 17.4 ct/kWh, a drop down by 6 percent compared to October, and was the lowest since May this year.
Despite scarce precipitation in November that determined lower electricity production at hydro power plants, they produced the most of locally generated electricity last month, over 90 GWh, or 42 percent of total electricity generated in the country. In November, the major cities’ thermal power plants generated 86 GWh of electricity in total, or 40 percent of total electricity generated in the country. The electricity output of wind parks in November was nearly one third smaller than in October, while their generation accounted for 20 percent of total electricity generated in the country, or 5 percent of total electricity consumed. The Lithuanian Power Plant was out of operation in November.
More than three quarters, i.e. 77 percent, of the electricity consumed during November in Lithuania was imported. The electricity import from Estonia and Nordic countries was decreasing by 14 percent on average, while import from Kaliningrad grew by 28 percent.
The average electricity price on the Scandinavian trading zone of Nord Pool Spot exchange in November was dropping by over 2 percent compared to last month and was 10.3 ct/kWh, the average price in the Estonian trading zone decreased by 12 percent to 12.2 ct/kWh, while Latvia experienced 6 percent price drop on average.
In Poland, the electricity price in November was rising by 8 percent on average, and was as much as 44 percent higher compared with November last year. The electricity price in Poland has been growing for three consecutive months, the main reasons for that being changing wind generation and capacity shortage during peak hours. Electricity prices in Poland continued suffering fluctuations, while the highest price of the month was recorded at the end of November and amounted to 29.7 ct/kWh. In Germany, the electricity price in November, compared with October, stayed stable.
The capacities of the Latvian-Estonian interconnection during 8-14 December were used by 97 percent on average, the Lithuanian-Latvian interconnectors – by 43 percent, the Lithuanian-Kaliningrad interconnectors – by 100 percent, Lithuanian – Belarus by 49 percent.
Up-to-date information on the existing and planned significant disconnections of the power transmission lines and generation units is published on http://www.nordpoolspot.com/ under Urgent market messages section.