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Assessment of Lithuanian and European Electricity Systems Interconnection Underway

The price of redirecting the electric energy system westwards, economic benefit for Lithuania and the most viable ways of the interconnection with the European electricity grids will be presented in a new Feasibility Study in a year and a half. A corresponding agreement was signed earlier this week by the Baltic electricity transmission system operators Litgrid (Lithuania), Augstsprieguma Tikls (Latvia), Elering (Estonia) and Sweden’s Gothia Power AB.
“Electricity transmission system operators of all the Baltic States are anxiously expecting the results of the expert analysis. It is important for us to have unbiased proposals on becoming part of the European electricity system and breaking out from the Russian influence in the field of electric energy,” Litgrid CEO Virgilijus Poderys said after the signing of the agreement.
The feasibility study is valued at nearly EUR 1.25 million. Half of the sum will be financed from the European Union’s Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E) funds and the remaining part of the investment will be equally shared between Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian electricity transmission system operators.
Litgrid is responsible for the full-fledged integration of the Lithuanian electricity energy system into the European Continental Network and the common European electricity market. The company is also developing the national electricity transmission network and implementing strategic electricity energy projects, including international electricity interconnections NordBalt (Lithuania-Sweden) and LitPol Link (Lithuania-Poland).
For more information:
Laura Šebekienė
Litgrid Head of Communications
Tel.: +370 693 65377, E-mail: [email protected]