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New Litgrid Web Site

Society’s focus on energy and the increasing need to quickly understand complicated information and become full-fledged users of that information drive ways of improving how news about energy is delivered. Litgrid, the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator, having assessed the expectations of modern information users, presents an updated, clear, thorough, and convenient web site. It will allow users to not only be familiar with the electricity sector and the high voltage electricity transmission network and follow how strategic electricity projects are being implemented but also review the country’s electricity system data live as it is continuously updated.
The new site is unique in providing useful information about electricity, electricity transmission, electricity trading, and management of the entire electricity system in a way that can be found quickly and is organized conveniently. Information on the site is provided in two levels: for novices and for those who have comprehensive knowledge of the energy sector. For those who have limited knowledge but a keen interest in energy, information is presented with the help of visual technology, using concise text and interactive solutions.
Strategic energy projects—the NordBalt connection with Sweden and the LitPol Link connection with Poland—are presented in separate fields in a way that is clear and understandable to all users. In surveying all of the electricity transmission network development projects Litgrid is implementing, data and project work calendars for the main sites being built—new electricity lines and transformer substations—are presented.
A new field of information aimed at landowners informs them about what new high voltage transmission lines are being built in Lithuania, what protection zones are being established for the lines, and what landowners should know about servitudes if electricity transmission lines have been or will be built across their land. Also, information is provided about electromagnetic fields emanating from high voltage electricity transmission lines, their strength, and their norms.
For the professional user of information about electricity, a special platform for reviewing data about the Lithuanian electricity system has been created. The system’s data are automatically updated in real time every two minutes, while the country’s electricity flow can be observed live on a system data map showing actual electricity import and export figures. Using system data graphs, one can find how much electricity has been produced in Lithuania, how much has been used, how much electricity costs, how much is being bought on the exchange, and how prices compare to earlier time periods. Also, a tool for convenient observation of constantly changing system data has been created; for example, by moving the mouse on a wind turbine production graph curve, one can see how much electricity was produced in Lithuania a few minutes ago by wind turbines connected to the electricity transmission grid.
The new web site has been created in a way that allows convenient browsing using tablets and smartphones. Mobile apps for iOS and Android will soon be launched that will also allow live monitoring of Lithuanian electricity system data.
By opening the door to the virtual electricity system and inviting users to become more thoroughly familiar with the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator’s operations, Litgrid expects to encourage people to be interested in electricity, which is the basis for the country’s economic growth.