Invitation to response to the Public consultation and workshop regarding the draft of Harmonised Allocation Rules
Baltic TSOs – AST, Elering and Litgrid would like to draw attention and invite the Baltic Electricity market participants to participate in the ENTSO-E launched web based Public consultation regarding the Harmonised Allocation Rules (HAR). The HAR will apply for forward capacity allocation, subject to relevant NRA approval, and for allocated long term transmission rights which have as delivery date the 1st of January 2016 or a later date. HAR will include also Regional Annexes, in case of Baltic countries, there will be specific Regional Annex for Estonia-Latvia cross-border.
The draft HAR is the result of the ongoing early implementation project of the Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation.
As a part of announced Public consultation ENTSO-E is organising a public workshop on 18 March 2015 in Brussels to provide information about, and receive feedback on, the draft Harmonised Allocation Rules. Information related Public consultation and workshop you can find in .
ENSTO-E web page
Once passing the public consultation and approved by NRA(s), the HAR including also the Regional Annex for Estonian-Latvian border, will be the applicable set of rules for forward capacity allocation with a delivery date on 1st of January 2016 or beyond.