System Operation Codes
The ER network code setting down the rules relating to the management of the electricity transmission system in the emergency, blackout and restoration states. The main objective of the relevant rules is to bring the system back to the normal state. ER network code entered into force on 18 December 2017.
Implementation documents
LITGRID AB, in accordance to Article 36 and Article 39 of ER network code has prepared these proposals:
- proposal for rules concerning the suspension and restoration of market activities;
- proposal for rules for imbalance settlement and settlement of balancing capacity and balancing energy (hereinafter – Proposals);
LITGRID AB, pursuant to Article 7, has launched public consultation and therefore invites all relevant stakeholders to participate in the public consultation on Proposals no later than 9 December, 2018.
Proposals may be found below:
SO entered into force on 14 September 2017. The provisions of SO establish a framework for the maintenance of the secure operation of the interconnected transmission system in real time.