Trade in balancing energy
The Baltic electricity transmission system operators Litgrid, Augstsprieguma tīkls and Elering conduct a joint electricity balancing auction in which the Transmission System Operator (TSO), using all the bids submitted by the auction participants, gives instructions to change generation or consumption modes quickly if the overall balance of generation, consumption and import/export of the Baltic electricity systems is not maintained.
Balancing services consist of balancing energy and/or balancing capacity. Balancing energy is the energy used by the TSO for balancing purposes and is provided by the Balancing Service Provider (BSP).
Emergency reserve balancing capacity refers to the capacity of rotating equipment or hydro generators supported by the BSP. This capacity reserve shall be activated at the latest within a period of 15 (fifteen) minutes from the activation order from the TSO.
The Balancing Capacity Auctions organised by the TSO shall be used by the TSO to procure from the BSP the amounts of Balancing Capacity required for the emergency active power reserve and to set the prices for this reserve Balancing Capacity.
Electricity market participants that have concluded a Balancing Services Purchase and Sale Agreement with the TSO become BSP and can participate in the Balancing Services market.
For the establishment of balancing power purchase and sale agreements, please contact us by e-mail: [email protected]