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Introducing new Baltic Transparency Dashboard

Three Baltic TSO's  - Lithuanian Litgrid,  Latvian AST and Estonian Elering have developed a Baltic market data publishing solution "Baltic Market Information Platform" or "Baltic Transparecy Dashbord ". It will start work on June 2, 2021.
The new, modernized Baltic market information platform will replace the existing Baltic market data publishing solution "Baltic CoBA Balancing Dashboard". To make the transition to the new platform as convenient as possible, the existing solution will still be available until 15 August this year, after which the publication of data on it will be stopped and the website will be closed.
The new solution enables transmission operators to provide market participants with data on the Baltic market and not only to ensure compliance with existing data publication requirements of the Baltic balancing market rules, but also to expand the range of information to be published by supplementing published information with new reports, views and different data sets. With the new solution, the necessary changes and additions to the publication of market data can be made much faster and more cost-effectively. During the development stage, data previously published only on the ENTSO-E market information platform on the amount of unavailable bids have been added, as well as information on the activation volume of the Baltic mFRR standard product and the Baltic ER mFRR product and the prices of the Baltic ER mFRR product.
Historical data has been migrated from the previous solution, also ensuring its availability to market participants.
The new solution was developed taking into account the need to prepare for the planned transition of the balancing market period to 15 minutes with the integration of the Baltic balancing market with the European mFRR balancing platform MARI and the planned transition of the imbalance settlement period in the Baltics from 60 minutes to 15 minutes in 2025. at first.
The new Baltic market information platform provides market participants with the usual functionality, including the display of data in both tabular and graphical form, the export of data directly from the platform, as well as through the application programming interface (API). The functionality of the solution allows to provide market participants with a modern and ergonomic application interface - it is designed similar to the previous solution, but also introduces new features and improvements that make it easier to download multiple data sets at once, select the required data selection period according to platform period, as well as change the time zone of the data display. There will be two additional sections available on the platform, which will contain up-to-date information useful to users.
Link to the Baltic Market Information Platform:
Please contact Benas Makauskas [email protected] or Linas Pušinaitis [email protected]  in case of any questions about the usability of the new solution.