Baltic TSOs agreed on roadmap towards synchronization with Continental Europe
The three Baltic electricity transmission system operators (TSO) have developed an action plan towards synchronous operation with the network of Continental Europe, with the target of establishing synchronous operation by 2025.
Baltic synchronous operation with the network of Continental Europe will eliminate dependence on the third countries’ power systems uncoordinated behaviour and development, as well as their market actions operated by legislation which significantly differs from the EU rules.
The above target is ambitious, but realistic, and needs support from both Baltic as well as Polish governments, regulatory authorities and the European Commission, the Baltic TSOs AST, Elering and Litgrid stated.
The first and the most important step towards synchronisation with the network of Continental Europe is a common regional political agreement which should be reached by all Baltic States’ governments immediately.
The next step is a common political negotiation process together with the European Commission in order to agree on the possible sources to finance the project. The appropriate agreement with the Polish government must be reached beforehand.
The Baltic TSOs have already initiated the first grid development projects within the Baltics and identified investments necessary for the synchronisation project. LitPol Link 1 and 2 between Lithuania and Poland as well as a few grid reinforcement projects need to be completed, and voltage stabilizer units built within the Baltic States. In addition, back-to-back stations on the border with the third countries should be constructed to establish asynchronous connections with the third countries to ensure reciprocal two-way power trade.