
Litgrid > Synchronisation > Synchronisation projects > Construction of Pagegiai-Bitenai 110 kV overhead line

Construction of Pagegiai-Bitenai 110 kV overhead line

Status: project completed.
The aim of the project
To increase the reliability of the electricity transmission network in Western Lithuania by constructing a 110 kV electricity transmission line between Pagėgiai and Bitėnai transformer substations.
Significance of the project
In preparation for synchronisation with the Central European Synchronous Area (CESA), the Lithuanian electricity transmission grid is being renewed and strengthened.
Synchronisation with the networks of continental Europe is the last step towards Lithuania’s energy independence. Currently, our electricity system is still dependent on frequency control in Russia, but already in 2025, it will operate in one synchronous area together with the systems of other European countries.The construction of the line strengthened the reliability of electricity supply to the electricity consumers of Pagėgiai municipality and the whole of Western Lithuania and created technical possibilities for the integration of renewable electricity sources into the electricity system.
The acceptance of the energy produced by the existing fleets - Kreivėnai and Lauksargiai - into the electricity system has been ensured.
Project details
Territory: Tauragė county, Pagėgiai municipality, Pagėgiai and Lumpėnai elderships.
Start of the line: Bitėnai transformer substation Pagėgiai municipality, Bitėnai village, Bitės g. 3A.
End of line: Pagėgiai transformer substation
Total length of the line: 17.1 km
Voltage: 110 kV
Completion date: 30 June 2020
General project information
The length of the route is 17.1 km, of which 10.2 km is an overhead line and 6.9 km is a cable line.
This is the second of fourteen strategic projects for the synchronisation of Lithuania with the networks of continental Europe approved by the Government. The project was completed a quarter earlier than planned in the Plan of Synchronisation Project Actions and Measures.  
Work calendar
Date of implementation
An agreement has been signed on the preparation of spatial planning documents, strategic environmental impact assessment and environmental impact assessment
2011 Q3
A design and construction agreement signed
2018 Q1  
A building permit was received
2018 Q4
Construction works completed, construction completion certificate received
2020 Q2
Project financing
The European Union has allocated EUR 2.07 million to the project. The project is co-financed under the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority 6 “Development of Sustainable Transport and Core Network Infrastructure”, Measure 06.3.1-LVPA-V-103 “Modernisation and Development of the Electricity Transmission System” from the European Regional Development Fund.