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Invitation to Respond to the Public Consultation on the PTR-Limited principles

After assessing the needs of electricity market participants the Baltic transmission system operators (TSOs) the Elering AS, AS Augstsprieguma tīkls and Litgrid AB invite all interested parties to respond in writing to the request for comments on the Terms and Conditions of Limited Physical Transmission Rights (PTR-Limited) Auction on the Estonia-Latvia border (Rules).
From 2010 the Baltic TSOs started to provide electricity market participants  with the Estonia-Latvia cross-border risk hedging instruments – initially auctioning physical transmission rights (PTR) and from 1st of January 2014 AST and Elering are auctioning – Limited Physical Transmission Rights (PTR-limited).
Baltic electricity market evolution and experience from the PTR-Limited auctioning required further update of the existing principles of PTR-limited. It is also required by the market participants, who are looking for the opportunities to cover the Estonia-Latvia cross-border trading risks. The above were the reasons why in May 2014 Baltic TSOs jointly carried out Survey on the hedging of the cross-border electricity trade risks on the borders within the Baltic countries. The results of this Survey have shown that market participants are willing to see further upgrade of the principles specified in the Rules.
To take next step towards serving the market participants’ needs – AST and Elering jointly reviewed the Rules and launch public consultation on the reviewed Rules. The Baltic TSOs will review and take into account comments from the market participants to the extent acceptable by TSOs and will respectively review the draft Rules.
You can submitt your written comments by 18.09.2014, 23:00, CET to the email address: [email protected]   or send them to the contact address – AS Elering, Kadake tee 42, 12915 for the attentions to Ms. Airi Noor, Electricity Market Analysts, Electricity Market Department.
The document of public consultation can be found here.