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Litgrid held a synchronous connection training session for Baltic states’ electricity system dispatchers

Baltic states’ electricity transmission system dispatchers took part in a training session to test scenarios for disconnection from Russia and Belarus, isolated operation and synchronous connection to the continental European grid. The training was organised by a team from the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid.
According to Donatas Matelionis, the Head of Litgrid System Management Department, when preparing for synchronisation with the continental European grids and taking into account Russia’s war against Ukraine, the most pressing topic is the preparation to be ready to start synchronous operation now, if necessary.
“During the training, the dispatchers worked in a scenario where the Baltic countries have to disconnect from the Russian and Belarusian electricity grids, switch to stand-alone operation, and then synchronously connect to the continental European grids via an interconnector with Poland.
The training of the operational staff allows us to ensure preparedness for various failures in the electricity system, including scenarios where the Baltic countries’ electricity system would need to operate in isolated mode and synchronously connect to the continental European grids in case of an emergency,” said D. Matelionis.
According to the Head of the System Management Department, the specialists managing the electricity transmission system in the Baltic states and Lithuania regularly participate in training exercises. He said that the training is not only about improving knowledge and preparing for different scenarios, but also about strengthening teamwork with colleagues from other countries, with whom we will be working in the same synchronous zone after synchronisation.
After a two-year break, the annual Baltic States’ Dispatcher Training was held live instead of remotely. The three-day training was attended by 16 participants from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, organised, prepared and delivered by “Litgrid” team of specialists. During the training, all phases of unplanned disconnection from the IPS/UPS system and connection to the continental European grid were discussed and simulated in the Dispatcher Training System.
This exercise is in addition to the training held in Poland this spring, during which dispatchers from the three Baltic countries, together with the Polish operator’s team, practised synchronous connection without full preparation.
Litgrid is also currently preparing for an isolated operation test, during which the entire Lithuanian electricity system will be temporarily disconnected from the IPS/UPS synchronous zone for the first time and will operate in island mode.
To date, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, together with Russia and Belarus, operate in an IPS/UPS system where the electricity frequency is centrally regulated in Russia. Connection to continental European grids and synchronous operation with Poland, Germany and other continental European countries will be secured no later than 2025.
More than 40% of the work needed for synchronisation has now been completed and 5 synchronisation projects have been implemented. These include the extension of the 330 kV Bitėnai transformer substation, the construction of the 110 kV Pagėgiai-Bitėnai line, the reconstruction of the 330 kV Lithuanian Power Plant-Vilnius line, the extension of the “LitPol Link” and the optimisation of the North-eastern Lithuania transmission network.