Second Lithuanian-Polish power link feasibility to be assessed
A second power interconnection linking Lithuania with Poland is planned to be built as the Baltic States are preparing for the synchronisation of their electricity systems with the networks of continental Europe. This week the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid announced a public procurement to develop a feasibility study on the future power interconnection route.
The LitPol Link power interconnection between Lithuania and Poland, which was put into trial operation at the start of this year, is still the only one linking the Baltic States with the networks of Western Europe. To operate in synchronous mode with continental Europe, the Baltic States need to have at least two power interconnections of this kind: the currently operating LitPol Link and another new one with Poland.
“The first power interconnection LitPol Link contributes to ensuring the stability and reliability of the electricity system and has already been used by Lithuanian and Polish electricity systems as an emergency reserve. It helps to avoid disruptions in electricity supply. The second power interconnection is necessary for a deeper integration of the Baltic States into the European networks – it will ensure that the electricity system operates in synchronous mode reliably and without disruptions,” said director of Litgrid’s Strategic Infrastructure Department Karolis Sankovski.
The starting point of a new power interconnection is planned near Marijampole, with a substation to be built in this location. A feasibility study will look into the different routes of the power interconnection which would stretch from Marijampole to the Lithuania-Poland border.
The developer of the feasibility study will have to offer at least four alternative routes and choose a location near Marijampole for building a substation and switchyard. A new route will be designed to be located further from residential areas, cultural heritage objects, sanctuaries and other protected places.
In 2013, the three Baltic electricity transmission system operators commissioned the Swedish consulting company Gothia Power to carry out a feasibility study on the integration of the Baltic States into the EU internal electricity market and building new power interconnections. The feasibility study examined various options of synchronous operations with the networks of continental Europe and concluded that a second power interconnection between Lithuania and Poland was necessary for synchronisation.