Board of Litgrid has been elected
On 10th September 2013 a new Board of the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid AB has been elected by the Supervisory board of the company. The following persons as members of the Board are elected for four-year term:
1. Mr. Daivis Virbickas. Mr. Virbickas has a long-term experience in developing and managing the transmission system strategies, electricity market analysis and business management. Until now Mr. Virbickas has been a commercial director at Alpiq AG, a company representing Swiss holding in the Baltic states. Until 2011 Mr. Virbickas was the Head of Technical Division in Litgrid.
2. Mr. Karolis Sankovski. Mr. Sankovski has a long-term experience in electricity companies implementing strategic and international projects of power links. Since May 2012 Mr. Sankovski has been working as a strategic project manager in the Infrastructure Development Department of Litgrid.
3. Mr. Vidmantas Grušas. Mr. Grušas has a long-term experience in maintenance of equipment and installations, operational control and development of transmission grid facilities. Since April 2011 Mr. Grušas has been the Director of the Transmission Grid Department of Litgrid.
4. Mr. Rimantas Busila. Mr. Busila has a long-term experience in the field of finance, investment and stock management. Since September 2012 Mr. Busila has been working as a Chairman of the Board and the CEO of LTL Credit Union.
The meeting of the new Board will take place in the nearest future. During the first meeting the Chairman of the Board will be elected.