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Common regulations will allow for better use of the power infrastructure in Europe

On June 11 the Capacity allocation and congestion management network code (CACM) was presented to the members of the inter-institutional workgroup on the implementation of network codes. This EU legal act will define the main guidelines on electric infrastructure management ensuring the optimal operation of the electric power market in Europe.
This code has already been confirmed by the EU Member states, however, it will only officially start functioning in the Community after its acceptance by the European Parliament. Approval of the code has been planned for this summer.
CACM involves the rules of counting and distributing power capacities, definition of the methods used for trading on the day-ahead and the intraday market and how these markets will be connected to the common European trading systems. The regulations will help market participants to most efficiently use the power transmission system and trade in electricity by following common electricity market rules throughout all of Europe.
In Lithuania, the responsibility for the implementation of the network code falls on Litgrid, the power transmission system operator of Lithuania, while certain actions to be implemented according to the code shall be approved by the National Committee on Energy Control and Prices. The exchange market operator will be responsible for organising trading in electric power on the day-ahead and intraday markets.
Beyond capacity allocation and congestion management code, the common electricity market regulations of the EU will set another two codes – electricity balancing and the allocation of forward capacities.
The objective of the electricity network codes is to unify regulation on the electricity market, electric power system management and connection to the power infrastructure throughout the entire EU. In preparing for the implementation of the network codes, Lithuania has established an inter-institutional workgroup, made from representatives of the Ministry of Energy, state power enterprises and power market participants. At its meetings, the workgroup discusses such issues as the practical implementation of electric power codes and their influence on the national law of Lithuania.