Electricity Transmission Grid Ten-Year Development Plan
By implementing strategic objectives of the national power system, Litgrid prepares ten-year grid development plan on bi-annual basis. The plan contains forecasts of demand for electricity, power plant capacities, assessment of system adequacy, forecast of power balances for the electricity market and the system and information on the transmission grid, its development and investments.
The total investment in the development and reconstruction of the transmission network (including projects on the electricity network users’ initiative) for the period of 2024-2033 may amount to approximately 2.7 billion euros.
It is also planned that development plans of power plants using renewable energy sources in the future will depend on investor interest, even after increasing the scope of restrictions and opportunities to invest in storage systems, trends in the prices of renewable energy and storage technologies (decrease), the potential for faster demand growth due to decarbonization requirements, and higher interest in investing in commercial storage devices.
Scheme of 400-330 kV transmission grid in 2033
Note: Storage systems are not owned by Litgrid, but installed in the transformer substations of Litgrid
Litgrid network development plan 2024-2033
Litgrid network development plan 2022-2031
Litgrid network development plan 2021-2030
Litgrid network development plan 2020-2029
Litgrid network development plan 2017-2026
Litgrid network development plan 2016-2025
Litgrid network development plan 2014-2023
Litgrid network development plan 2013-2022