Nordic Power System
Baltic data
Power system
Grid development
Electricity Transmission Grid Ten-Year Development Plan
Strategic projects
Strategic projects
LitPol Link
Infrastructure projects
Kruonis HPSP-Alytus
Klaipėda-Marios 3
Klaipėda TS
Šiauliai TS
Panevėžys TS
Bitėnai switchyard
Standard technical requirements
Primary equipment and substation auxiliary supply
10 kV
110 kV
330 kV
400 kV
Substation auxiliary supply
Power transmission lines
400-110 kV voltage range overhead lines
330-110 kV voltage range cables
Relay protection and automation
Telecomunication data collection and transmission
Electric metering
Construction part
Security and fire alarms
Information security
Studies and reviews
RES perspective in Baltic countries
Electricity market
Protection zones
News & events
About us
Nordic Power System
Nordic Power System
Baltic data
Power system
Grid development
Electricity market
Protection zones
News & events
About us
Nordic Power System
Baltic data
Power system
Structure of power system
Power system information
System control
Network Codes
Baltic load frequency control block
Grid development
Electricity Transmission Grid Ten-Year Development Plan
Strategic projects
Infrastructure projects
Standard technical requirements
Studies and reviews
Synchronisation projects
Key dates
Electricity market
Market structure
Electricity market
Market development
Benefits for customers and opportunities for market participants
Cross border trading capacities
Capacities’ impact on price
Balancing market
Public consultations
Reports and research papers
REMIT (Market Surveilance)
Electricity transmission in Lithuania
Trade in imbalance energy
Trade in balancing energy
Public interest services
Certification of origin
Connection to the transmission grid
Energy identification codes
System power reserves
Renewable Energy Integration Centre
Offshore wind parks
How innovations are developed at Litgrid
1 MW battery
Litgrid invites to test a 1 MW battery
Implemented projects
Protection zones
For landowners
Power transmission lines
Protection zones
Line maintenance works
Line construction works
Electromagnetic fields
News & events
About us
Vision, Mission and Values
Code of Ethics and Conduct
For investors
Regulation of activities
Protection of the environment
International activities
Public procurement
Personal data protection
Privacy Notice
Responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities in information systems
Prevention of corruption
Trust Line
Power system information
Power system information
Transmission grid
National electricity demand and generation
Grid scheme and data
Generation capacity
System control
System control
Operational control
Operational planning
Network Codes
Market Codes
Connection Codes
System Operation Codes
Strategic projects
Strategic projects
LitPol Link
Infrastructure projects
Kruonis HPSP-Alytus
Klaipėda-Marios 3
Klaipėda TS
Šiauliai TS
Panevėžys TS
Bitėnai switchyard
Standard technical requirements
Primary equipment and substation auxiliary supply
Power transmission lines
Relay protection and automation
Telecomunication data collection and transmission
Electric metering
Construction part
Security and fire alarms
Information security
Studies and reviews
RES perspective in Baltic countries
Synchronisation projects
Expansion of LitPol Link in Alytus
Construction of Darbenai switchyard
Construction of Harmony Link interconnector
Expansion of Bitenai transformer substation
Construction of Pagegiai-Bitenai 110 kV overhead line
Reconstruction of Lietuvos E-Vilnius 330 kV overhead line
Construction of Vilnius-Neris 330 kV overhead line
Construction of Muša substation
Construction of Darbenai-Bitenai 330 kV overhead line
Construction of Kruonio HAE-Bitenai 330 kV overhead line
Grid optimisation in North-Eastern Lithuania
Implementation of New Synchronous Condensers
Implementation of Frequency Stability Assessment System (FSAS)
Implementation of Automatic Generation Control System
Upgrading the HDVC control system of the “NordBalt” Lithuanian-Swedish electricity interconnector to ensure frequency stability
Reconstruction of Neris transformer substation
Test of emergency assistance to the Lithuanian electricity system from the Polish electricity system via a synchronous interconnector
Isolated operation test of the power system of the Republic of Lithuania
The isolated operation test of Baltic States’ power systems
Additional project: Development of a new energy balance and ancillary services management system (project implemented by “Litgrid”, which is not included in the list of synchronisation programme projects approved by the Government)
Installation of an electricity energy storage system (implemented by the designated storage system operator UAB “Energy cells”)
Electricity market
Overview of the market
Market development
Market development
EU internal market for electricity
Nord Pool Spot Lithuania
Network Codes
Balancing market
Baltic balancing capacity market procurement optimisation function documentation
Approved proposal for the Baltic balancing capacity market
Approved proposal for the exemption to balancing capacity obligation transfers across Baltic bidding zones
Baltic LFC block FRR dimensioning forecast 2025-2032
Baltic balancing roadmap
New balancing capacity market
Proposal for the cross-zonal capacity allocation methodology for balancing capacity
Public consultations
Public consultations regarding methodologies of the Baltic balancing capacity market
Public consultation on the methodologies of Baltic LFC block after synchronisation with the Continental Europe Synchronous Area
Reports and research papers
Assessment of the adequacy of Lithuania's electricity system under extreme conditions 2022-2025
Assessing the adequacy of Lithuania's electricity system in 2025-2030
Scenario Building for the Evolution of Lithuanian Power Sector for 2020 - 2050
Demand Response through Aggregation – A Harmonized Approach in the Baltic Region
Lithuania demand response study
Electricity transmission in Lithuania
Electricity transmission in Lithuania
Certification of origin
The guarantee of origin administration
The statistic data of guarantees of origin
Residual mix
Connection to the transmission grid
Connection to the transmission grid
Energy identification codes
EIC codes lists
System power reserves
2016 year
2015 year
2014 year
2013 year
2012 year
2011 year
Implemented projects
Battery Energy Storage System and Power-to-Heat Hybrid Energy System: Demonstration of Synergy
Test with Ignitis and Kaunas HPP
Load management by aggregating users
Connection moment control system for improved electricity quality
Developing a single European electricity flexibility market
Scenarios for the development of the Lithuanian electricity system for 2020-2050
Improving the reliability of the “Nordbalt” electricity link between Lithuania and Sweden
Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian power systems successfully synchronised with Continental Europe
Baltic island mode proceeding as planned, system operators conduct planned voltage deviation tests
Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian Power Systems Disconnected from Russian IPS/UPS System
Electricity transmission system operators of Continental Europe adopted decisions on Baltic states synchronisation
Baltic electricity transmission system operators agreed on partnership in system operations after synchronisation
Invitation to the upcoming Balancing Market Surveillance Workshop
Litgrid results for 9 months: completed crucial steps for synchronisation, important infrastructure projects are implemented
Notification on the use of market-based allocation of cross zonal capacity for the Baltic Balancing Capacity Market
Vilnius counts down the time until the Baltic States connect to the European electricity grid
The foundation for the independence of Lithuania's electricity system - the first synchronous condenser has been launched in Lithuania
Baltic electricity transmission system operators joined European balancing energy platform MARI in preparation for synchronisation
Litgrid and Svenska kraftnät sign a contract to upgrade NordBalt control system
Synchronisation newsletter. Lithuania's electricity transmission network after synchronisation: projects and plans
Isolated operation test of the Kaliningrad electricity system is planned in September
Litgrid: solar and wind capacity in Lithuania has reached 3 GW
Litgrid announces results for the first half of 2024: continued preparation for synchronisation, focus on renewable energy
Litgrid started spatial planning for Harmony Link overland interconnector
Baltic TSOs have sent a notice on decoupling from Russia-controlled electricity system in February 2025
PSE and Litgrid signed cooperation agreement to build Harmony Link interconnector as overland line
Harmony Link onshore AC interconnector confirmed as technically feasible
Litgrid sends a third aid package to help rebuild Ukraine’s energy infrastructure
Third synchronous condenser arrived in Lithuania: installation work begins
Tomas Varneckas was elected as the chairman of the board of Litgrid for the second term
Litgrid's results for the first quarter: strategic projects successfully implemented, improved financial indicators.
Litgrid's planned expansion of the Northwest electricity transmission network has been granted the status of special state importance
New Litgrid Board elected, with two independent members from Dutch, German and Belgian TSOs
Independent members from TSOs in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium are nominated to the Litgrid Board
Baltic TSO’s updated Baltic Balancing Roadmap
Litgrid's 2023 results: objectives reached, reliability of electricity transmission ensured, loss turned into profit
EPSO-G announces the selection of board members for Amber grid and Litgrid
Baltic Sea region TSOs to assist Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia synchronise with continental European network
Baltic and Polish electricity transmission operators complete dynamic stability study of accelerated synchronisation
Litgrid and PSE are considering an alternative for the new Polish-Lithuanian interconnection
Litgrid results for 9 months: completed strategic projects, system security ensuring devices arrived in Lithuania
An important cargo from Litgrid has reached Ukraine: a powerful autotransformer will provide electricity to hundreds of thousands
Litgrid's results for the first half of the year: synchronisation readiness tested, electricity transmission reliability increased
Baltic TSOs signed an agreement for synchronisation to take place in February 2025
Litgrid First Quarter Results: Continuation of Synchronisation Projects and Important Decisions for the Development of Solar and Wind Energy
Litgrid Completed the Isolated Operation Test of the Lithuanian Electricity System
How Latvia is progressing towards the synchronisation
EPSO-G launches selection of “Amber Grid” and “Litgrid” Board members
Litgrid Results For 2022: Important Stages Of Synchronisation Projects Completed, High Energy Prices Led To A Loss
Tomas Varneckas elected as the Chairman of the Board of LITGRID AB
Algirdas Juozaponis, the Chair of the Board of LITGRID AB, decided to leave EPSO-G company group
Litgrid 9 months results: high energy prices lead to loss, strategic projects are on track
Baltic Sea Transmission System Operators prepare to manage risks on electricity adequacy
Litgrid and Amber Grid are sending aid to rebuild Ukraine's energy infrastructure
Baltic balancing capacity market: an opportunity for investments in batteries and renewable energy solutions
Artūras Vilimas, an independent member of Litgrid's Management Board, resigns
To increase competition among contractors Litgrid joins international public procurement platform
Isolated operation test of the Kaliningrad electricity system to be held over the weekend
The isolated operation test of Lithuania’s electricity system postponed
Litgrid held a synchronous connection training session for Baltic states’ electricity system dispatchers
Litgrid results for the first half of the year: reliable electricity transmission ensured, preparations for synchronisation continue
An impressive electrification of Lithuania is on the way: the country's energy demand is set to grow by almost 50% in 10 years.
New Baltic states’ electricity transmission operators' project - Regional Coordination Centre launches
Electricity transmission system operators will cooperate to ensure system adequacy
Litgrid sustainability performance: connected 217 MW of renewable energy sources to the grid; will use renewable energy for its own use; significantly increased green procurement
Baltic states’ electricity grid operators refuse balancing energy from Russia
Litgrid prepares for the isolated operation test of Lithuania’s electricity system by testing the main Lithuanian power plants
Russian electricity will no longer be traded in the Baltic states
Innovative Litgrid project triumphs at international awards
The war in Ukraine has led to greater public support for Lithuania’s strategic energy projects
With economic growth, Lithuania’s electricity consumption in 2021 was the highest in 30 years
Rokas Masiulis presenttaion at Nasdaq event CEO meets investors
Transmission system operators from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland signed the agreements in the framework of CEF program for the synchronization Phase 2 part II projects
Methodology on capacity calculation and allocation with third countries approved
2 new Board members nominated to the Board of Litgrid AB - Tomas Varneckas ir Gediminas Karalius
Litgrid: the goals that were achieved in 2021 ensure the security of the energy system
Cooperation agreement signed between RB Rail AS and Litgrid
The Baltic electricity transmission system operators are reducing the commercial capacity of system connections with Russia
Results achieved by Litgrid in 2021: greater reliability, strategic projects completed
EU endorsed a support for the second phase projects of the Baltic States' synchronisation
Litgrid's innovation test will help increase Lithuanian energy security
Litgrid and Siemens Energy Will Implement the Second Largest Synchronisation Project in Lithuania
Litgrid starts preparing a feasibility study for offshore wind integration
Regarding the public information about the possibility for the Baltic States to increase the share of the electricity from Russia and Belarus
Lithuanians and Poles carried out an emergency support test on the Polish-Lithuanian electricity interconnection
Litgrid has announced the procurement for works of design and construction of 330 kV Mūša substation
Lithuania already has a synchronisation-ready interconnection with Poland: Litgrid has completed the LitPol Link expansion project
Litgrid three-quarter results for 2021: system reliability indicators improved, increased revenue as the volume of power transferred increased
Baltic and Polish TSOs applied for CEF funding for synchronisation investments
Baltic balancing roadmap
Litgrid plans - evolution of the organization and the possibility to integrate 4,900 MW of renewable energy
Baltic TSOs have updated Baltic CoBA Imbalance Settlement Rules in accordance with public consultation result
Litgrid has connected the first battery to the Lithuanian power transmission network
Litgrid has announced the procurement of a Harmony Link interconnection cable
Litgrid results of the first half of 2021: as the quantity of transmitted energy increased, the revenue grew by more than 10%.
Results of the public consultation on the market study of the electricity balancing reserves
Introducing new Baltic Transparency Dashboard
Rokas Masiulis met stakeholders at Nasdaq event "CEO meets investors 2021"
Litgrid and PSE approved the investment decisions for the Harmony Link
TEPCO study provides recommendations for Baltic States on expansion of renewable energy sources by 2050
The results of Litgrid for the first quarter of 2021: more electricity was transmitted, revenues increased by 15.8 percent, the system operated reliably
Improvements to Baltic Power Systems Needed for Secure and Stable Synchronous Operation Will Be Evaluated in Synchronisation Studies
Litgrid Announced the Public Tender for Engineering and Construction on Two Synchronisation Projects
Litgrid Started the Reconstruction of Jurbarkas - Bitėnai Transmission Line, an Important Step for the Synchronisation Project
Baltic Sea TSOs met to discuss regional energy sector developments
Public consultations on the market study of the electricity balancing reserves
Rokas Masiulis appointed as the director general of Lithuania‘s electricity transmission system operator Litgrid
Litgrid results for 2020: increased revenue and system reliability indicators
Litgrid Started the Reconstruction Of a Transmission Line Important for the Synchronisation Project
Possibility of the temporary short-term disruptions on the website www.litgrid.eu tonight
TSOs agreed to strengthen cooperation for the future of offshore grid in the Baltic Sea
TSO’s of Baltic Countries and Poland Signed the Grant Agreement for the Second Phase of Synchronisation
Seabed Survey for the Harmony Link Cable Due to Start
The nine-month results of Litgrid: revenue and profits were up, the electricity transmission system operated reliably, strategic projects are effectively implemented
Experts from the Canadian company Teshmont Consultants LP will help develop the Litgrid offshore electricity connection with Poland
Regarding the Terms, Conditions and Methodology on Cross-Zonal Capacity Calculation, Provision and Allocation with Russia
Baltic TSOs have commonly prepared Baltic Balancing Market Rules for operation with European mFRR balancing energy exchange platform MARI
EU granted the largest possible funding to the key second phase projects of the Baltic states‘ synchronization project
Baltic TSOs have commonly prepared concept for Baltic Load Frequency Control block development and Baltic balancing capacity markets
Regarding public consultation on Common Baltic transmission system operators’ Terms, Conditions and Methodology on Cross-Zonal Capacity Calculation, Provision and Allocation with Russia
Regarding public consultation on baseline methodology, implementation of Balancing Service Contract and Imbalance Purchase – Sales Contract
European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Parties confirm successful 2nd wave go-live
European Single Intraday Coupling Solution and Local Implementation Projects confirm 2nd wave go-live date
European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Solution and Local Implementation Projects confirm 2nd wave go-live date for November 2019
LitPol Link company completed its mission. PSE and Litgrid will cooperate directly
XBID 1st anniversary and announcement of 2nd Wave Go-Live
Important agreement on connection to the European power system comes into effect
Public consultation on the Baltic transmission system operators’ Baltic 15 minute imbalance settlement period implementation concept document
New Polish-Lithuanian submarine HVDC cable – “Harmony Link”. Initial Cooperation Agreement signed
XBID – 2nd Wave Go-Live and Changes in Gate Opening Time from 1st January 2019
Public consultation on Rules for suspension and restoration of market activities and Rules for imbalance settlement of balancing energy in case of suspension of market activities
Regarding legislation amendments
The completion of the project of dynamic study identifying technical conditions of the Baltic States’ synchronization with the system of the Continental Europe
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects successful go-live
Interim unaudited financial results of Litgrid for the first 3 months of 2018 - sustainable financial results and high electricity transmission reliability
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects confirm go-live date for June 2018
Litgrid Event “Creating Value for Society“ today at 10:00
Invitation: Litgrid Event “Creating Value for Society“
Nord Pool Restructures For the Future
Public consultation on standard terms and conditions for balance responsible parties and balance service providers
EU invests in Baltic synchronization project
Infrastructure Projects for Synchronization at a Full Speed
The results of the public consultation on "Demand Response through Aggregation – a Harmonized Approach in the Baltic region"
Interim unaudited financial results of Litgrid for the twelve months of 2017
Electricity Consumption in Lithuania Hit Record High in FY 2017
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects announce a revised go-live date for June 2018
Baltic TSOs launch a common Baltic balancing market from 2018
Baltic Electricity Transmission System Operators’ Public Consultation on “Demand Response through Aggregation – a Harmonized Approach in the Baltic Region”
Litgrid Group‘s Results for Nine Months of 2017
Public consultation on the Baltic CCR proposal for Regional Design of Long-Term Transmission Rights
The conditions for Baltic power system isolated operation test assessed
Litgrid Group‘s Results for the First Six Months of 2017
Litgrid will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the financial results for first-half year of 2017
Public consultation on the proposal for capacity calculation methodology in the Baltic capacity calculation region
An internal check at Litgrid initiated due to the conclusions presented by the Public Procurement Office
Lietuvos Energija and Litgrid Signed a Duomenų Logistikos Centras Sale Agreement with Telia Lietuva
The key projects in Ten-Year Network Development Plan focus on the integration into Europe
Electricity system management to depend on consumers’ needs in future
Construction of Alytus–Kruonis power line gathering pace
Litgrid‘s results for 2017 Q1: sustainable growth and value for society
SE4-PL-LT market coupling arrangements update by activation of Polish optimization area (PLA)
Energy Minister Vaičiūnas: from 2025 the Baltic region will need new reliable power plants
An agreement reached to replace the NordBalt interconnection onshore joints
SE4-PL-LT market coupling arrangements update by activation of Polish optimization area
Public consultation on the proposal for fallback procedures for capacity allocation in the Baltic CCR
One power link may be sufficient for synchronisation
Customers’ input in securing the flexible management of the power system will be assessed
Litgrid CEO Daivis Virbickas: We are focusing on sustainable long-term results
Electricity consumption in Lithuania: highest in a quarter of a century
Upgrading Infrastructure in Northeast Lithuania for Synchronisation with the European Grid
Virbickas: It’s time for Europe to embrace regional energy perspective
Baltic power systems preparing for isolated operation test
Market Price Reduced 13% Due to Operation of NordBalt and LitPol Link
Litgrid focused on European integration strategy throughout 2016
Scope of Investment in the Transmission Grid Reliability: EUR 18 million
Negotiations over the Service for Tertiary Power Reserve for 2017 Completed
Record Amount of Wind Power Connected to the Transmission Grid in 2016
Grid Reliability Underpinning Growth in Litgrid Group‘s Income
Success of infrastructure projects depends on society’s involvement in decision-making
New power line being built in Alytus district
The first tertiary reserve auction to be held next week
Baltic TSOs launch a coordinated exchange of balancing energy
Cooperation between Litgrid and NATO Centre to ensure energy security
New power line to enhance the power transmission grid
Litgrid encourages company managers to put focus on occupational safety
Litgrid: everyone wins if more consumers use the grid
The summary of the public consultation on the Baltic balancing market elements published
Power market design requires regional agreement
Lithuania’s experience in energy projects will benefit Energy Union vision
First scheduled maintenance of LitPol Link finalised
LitPol Link Route to Be Monitored by Ornithological Society and Lithuanian Fund for Nature
Preparations for the Second Link with Poland Have Started
Virbickas to become a European Commission expert group member
Rimvydas Štilinis elected as chairman of the Litgrid board
New wind farm connected to the grid
How autumn affects daily routine of power engineers
Litgrid aims to optimize renewable energy management
Litgrid Group reports net profit growth
First digital transformer substation activated in Lithuania
Environmentalists to work on LitPol Link route
New Board of Litgrid elected
Second Lithuanian-Polish power link feasibility to be assessed
The first half year with new power links: more security and lower prices
Litgrid’s Warning in the Ten-Year Plan: Electricity Generation Is Moving Away from Lithuania
Baltic TSOs launch a public consultation on the Baltic balancing market elements
More power links needed for European electricity systems integration
LitPol Link power interconnection will be making less noise
Transformer at NordBalt’s converter station in Sweden being replaced
Only one out of two energy construction sites operates safely
Environmental impact of LitPol Link to be monitored for three years
Litgrid’s High-Voltage Lines in an Online Map Database
Litgrid: to maximise benefits of existing infrastructure, action must be taken now
Baltic electricity systems preparing to operate independently
Litgrid Group starts the year with growing income and net profit
Invitation to Baltic Power Conference on 1 June
Litgrid CEO Daivis Virbickas: the next milestone - synchronisation
Information about ENTSO-E public consultations
Cause of NordBalt disruption being determined
NordBalt’s testing goes as planned
Litgrid develops a study on power flow restriction from Ostrovets power plant
Litgrid renewed typical contractor agreements
NordBalt is ready to serve as the pillar of the power system
Electricity network development projects lay the foundation for synchronisation with Europe
Upward trend in electricity generation and consumption in Lithuania in 2015
Synchronisation of Baltic countries - an important step towards Energy Union
First electricity transmitted through NordBalt sold on the market
Litgrid and energy businesses join efforts for reliable power grid
Litgrid invites contractors for cooperation in renewing typical agreements
LitPol Link starts regular operations
Power successfully transmitted through NordBalt cable
System tests are carried out at NordBalt converter station
Baltic Rules for the calculation and allocation of cross-border capacities approved by all Baltic Regulators and become effective from 1 January 2016
New interconnections open electricity highways to Europe for the Baltic countries
Interconnections LitPol Link and NordBalt to be symbolically activated by the Baltic Sea region leaders
During testing, NordBalt and LitPol Link will be prepared to serve for decades
LitPol Link starts trial operations
First electricity from Poland traded on the market
Successful start of LitPol Link tests
LitPol Link power line energized for the first time
Systems tests of NordBalt not to affect the market participants
70th Anniversary of the Lithuanian power system
Litgrid CEO: Better use of the power system – possibilities in our hands
NordBalt to provide more energy security for six million people in the Baltic countries
D. Virbickas: We aim to become the Baltic Sea region’s energy competence centre
Minister of Energy: NordBalt Opens the Surplus Scandinavian Electricity Market for Lithuania and Latvia
Information about the results of public consultations on the draft rules for the capacity calculation and allocation
NordBalt cable lying safe on the bottom of the Baltic Sea
Litgrid CEO: LitPol Link to increase the competitiveness of the region
Reconstruction of the 330 kV switchyard – the gate of LitPol Link - completed
Litgrid Group‘s results for the first half of 2015 announced
In July electricity prices remained low
Heat wave not only stress out population, but also high voltage electric equipment
During the first month of summer electricity price traditionally rose
Reputation to be assessed in Litgrid public tenders
LitPol Link to receive EUR 27 million of EU funding
Invitation to respond to the public consultations on the Terms, Conditions and Methodologies on Cross-Zonal Capacity Calculation, Provision and Allocation within the Baltic States and with the 3rd Countries
Ten-year grid development plan: investments into integration and security of supply
Common regulations will allow for better use of the power infrastructure in Europe
The NordBalt cable has been laid in the Baltic Sea
Baltic and Nordic TSOs cooperate in creating a common electricity balancing market
Litgrid Group's results for the first quarter of 2015 announced
Average electricity market price in April 19% lower than a year ago
Strict quality requirements for the reliable grid
The last 50 kilometres of NordBalt cable will be soon laid to the seabed
Construction on the NordBalt link is coming to an end
Litgrid seeks partial European Union funding for electricity interconnection with Poland
LitPol Link MoU Brings Polish-Lithuanian Energy Trading a Step Closer
Electricity was cheaper throughout Baltic Sea region in March
Last 150 kilometres of NordBalt cable to be laid in the Baltic Sea
Litgrid calls shareholders meeting
Litgrid and Lithuanian Ornithological Society launches a joint bird protection initiative
Invitation to response to the Public consultation and workshop regarding the draft of Harmonised Allocation Rules
Litgrid Group financial results for 2014 announced
Electricity consumption increased by 2 % in 2014
Nordic and Baltic power markets’ integration will boost competitiveness of the region
The last section of NordBalt submarine cable has been manufactured
Common Baltic electricity balancing market – important step towards European integration
The first LitPol Link transformer arrives in Alytus
Litgrid did not violate the terms of regulated activities
Klaipėda transformer substation prepared for connection with NordBalt
One year until the launch of power interconnections with Poland and Sweden
November witnessed the lowest average electricity market price since May
Baltic TSOs agreed on roadmap towards synchronization with Continental Europe
Two NordBalt transformers unloaded at the port of Klaipėda
Invitation to Respond to the Public Consultation on the Projects that could be Potentially Included in the List of PCI
Litgrid Group‘s Financial Results for Nine Months of 2014 Published
About 60 percent of total electricity consumption will be imported this winter season
NASDAQ OMX Commodities presents first financial products for electricity market players
Terms and conditions of PTR-limited Auctions announced for the year 2015
The current methodology for the calculation of cross-border capacities will remain the same till beginning of 2016
LitPol Link ‘Power Bridge’ Construction Reaches Halfway Point
New High-Voltage Transmission Line Successfully Launched
Environmentalists and energy specialists help save a rare plant species
Strategic Investments in Power Grid to Bring Decades of Benefits
One-fifth of the electricity consumed this summer was produced by local power plants
Experts: new sources of electricity generation would also be needed for the development of renewable energy
Invitation to Respond to the Public Consultation on the PTR-Limited principles
Specialists continue environmental monitoring of the territory for construction of the LitPol Link ‘power bridge’
Summer work on the NordBalt link crowned by the cable being pulled through the Curonian Lagoon
The electricity market survived the July heat
Litgrid borrows from NIB to partially fund LitPol Link
Hydroelectric power plants generated one tenth of the electricity consumed in May, in Lithuania
Panevėžys substation has been modernised to ensure reliable operation of the energy system
The NordBalt project is successfully conquering the Baltic Sea
The Lithuanian High Voltage Electricity Transmission Network is Safe
Local Power Production Slowed Down the Rise of Market Prices
Conservationists and environmental consultants will oversee LitPol Link construction
One hundred kilometres of NordBalt cable has been laid
LitPol Link’s construction starts in Alytus
Electricity market development issues - in the hands of experts
Power system ready for summer
NordBalt Cable Laying Begins in the Baltic Sea
Swedish contractors start working on the construction site of the key facilities of the NordBalt power link
Electricity Demand Remained Stable; Renewable Resource Production Grew the Most
Litgrid’s reorganised system control centre will facilitate preparation for operational management of the interconnections with Sweden and Poland
Lithuanian electricity prices likely to resemble those in Scandinavia
Rules on Cross - Border Capacity Calculation and Allocation
Lithuanian Electrical Energy System Ready for the Most Severe Winter
Intraday market launched in Lithuania
Litgrid calls Baltic TSOs to maximize available capacities for electricity imports
The last contract signed in the framework of LitPol Link interconnection project
Litgrid invites to allocate and use capacities more effectively
Feasibility study of Baltic States’ integration into EU internal electricity market accomplished
In December, Nord Pool Spot intraday electricity market will be launched in Lithuania
Benefit from interconnections NordBalt and LitPol Link could reach LTL 180 million per year
The transmission grid development plan includes infrastructure projects up to 2022
Heads of Lithuanian and Polish TSOs discuss LitPol Link project
Litgrid signed an agreement on reconstruction of Alytus switchyard, a gateway to LitPol Link
Generation and transmission capacity shortage in the Baltic region raises prices on the power exchange
Chairman of the Board of Litgrid has been elected
Board of Litgrid has been elected
Latvian system operator, Augstsprieguma tikls (AST), becomes Nord Pool Spot shareholder
Litgrid Complies with the Requirements of EU Third Energy Package – the Company Has Been Granted a TSO Licence of Unlimited Duration
Litgrid profit increased twofold in the first half of 2013
Intraday market Elbas for Latvia and Lithuania in 2013
Baltic power market completed with successful opening of Latvian bidding area
Regarding key court ruling in LitPol Link project
Litgrid’s 2013 Q1 results keeps up with successful previous year
All permits obtained for the construction of NordBalt power link in Lithuania
Consultancy contract signed between LITGRID and Pöyry SwedPower AB in support of the Litpol Link project implementation
New Litgrid Web Site
Production of NordBalt sea cable begins
Litgrid Announces Tender for the LitPol Link Project
The latest “Energy Update” issue
Lithuanian electricity infrastructure development to prepare for the link with Sweden
New Version of the Law on Electricity Comes into Effect
Litgrid announces interim activity results for 2011
The latest "Energy Update" issue
Public Consultations on European Electricity Transmission Network Development Launched
In 2011, 65% of electricity consumed came from imported sources
World’s Largest Power Exchange Nord Pool Spot Launches Bidding Area in Lithuania
Litgrid Prepares Unbundling Plan
TSOs of the Baltic countries to become Nord Pool Spot shareholders
One of Vilnius' Key Electricity Units Under Reconstruction
Litgrid Obliged to Implement Activity Separation Plan by 1 October
The latest "Energy Update" issue
Tender Winner Announced for the Feasibility Study of Baltic States’ Interconnection with European Continental Network
Invitation to introductory seminar
Government Authorises Litgrid to Implement Synchronisation with the European Continental Electricity Network
Assessment of Lithuanian and European Electricity Systems Interconnection Underway
The latest "Energy Update" issue
Dividend Payment Procedure for 2011
Draft Government resolution on Litgrid unbundling submitted
Litgrid reports revenue growth in 2012 Q1
The Dawn of Lithuanian Energy Independence Soon to Break
Convocation of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LITGRID AB
Lithuania becomes a part of the Nordic power exchange
Ongoing Power Link Projects Get European Union's Financial Injection
The latest "Energy Update" issue
Procedure of Interconnection to the Electricity Transmission Network Clarified
Lithuanian Electric Energy System Network Development Plan up to 2021 Released for Public Consultation
Smooth First Month’s Trade at the Nord Pool Spot Power Exchange
LITGRID AB becomes Nord Pool Spot shareholder
Most Powerful Autotransformer in Lithuania Reached Klaipeda
Laura Žalaitė Becomes a CEO of Baltpool
Strategic projects by Litgrid to minimize negative foreign influence on the electricity sector
Litgrid Ends First Half-Year 2012 with Profit
EU Third Energy Package Directive Implemented in Lithuania’s Electricity Sector
Litgrid Reconstructs Electricity Transmission Equipment in Northern Lithuania
Baltic States to Implement Common Research Projects Aimed at Modelling Baltic Energy Development
Funds of public service obligations in the electricity sector to be administered by BALTPOOL UAB
New Wind Farm Connected to Electricity Transmission Grid
Innovative Technology to Speed Up Surveillance of Power Transmission Lines
First 100 km cable ready for the NordBalt interconnection
Litgrid Becomes the Only Shareholder of UAB Tetas
Litgrid will publish daily wind power generation forecast
Vilnius Power Substation Renovated
Artūras Vilimas Appointed President of the Management Board and CEO of LitPol Link
Winner Announced in Tender to Build Alytus HVDC Back-to-Back Converter Station as a Part of LitPol Link Interconnection
Litgrid and ABB signed an agreement for design and construction of LitPol Link HVDC converter station
Country's Economic Growth Reflected by Increased Power Consumption in 2012
Government Gives Go-Ahead for NordBalt Construction in Coastal Area
Efficient use of electricity infrastructure to enable bigger imports of electricity from Northern Europe
Outstanding results in 2012 for Litgrid
Lithuania seeing a decrease in electricity imported from Russia, increase from Estonia
Litgrid reports income growth in 2012 Q1
Management team
For investors
Information about the company
Investor's calendar
Share Trade
Share Trade History
Litgrid share and indexes comparison
Other documents
Financial Statements
Information about Shares and Majority Shareholders
Meetings of Shareholders
2021 Material events
2022 Material events
2023 Material events
2024 Material events
Regulation of activities
Main documents
Applicable legal acts
Power system information
Transmission grid
National electricity demand and generation
Grid scheme and data
Generation capacity
System control
Operational control
Operational planning
Market Codes
Connection Codes
System Operation Codes
Strategic projects
LitPol Link
Kruonis HPSP-Alytus
Klaipėda-Marios 3
Klaipėda TS
Šiauliai TS
Panevėžys TS
Bitėnai switchyard
Primary equipment and substation auxiliary supply
10 kV
110 kV
330 kV
400 kV
Substation auxiliary supply
Power transmission lines
400-110 kV voltage range overhead lines
330-110 kV voltage range cables
Relay protection and automation
Telecomunication data collection and transmission
Electric metering
Construction part
Security and fire alarms
Information security
RES perspective in Baltic countries
Expansion of LitPol Link in Alytus
Construction of Darbenai switchyard
Construction of Harmony Link interconnector
Expansion of Bitenai transformer substation
Construction of Pagegiai-Bitenai 110 kV overhead line
Reconstruction of Lietuvos E-Vilnius 330 kV overhead line
Construction of Vilnius-Neris 330 kV overhead line
Construction of Muša substation
Construction of Darbenai-Bitenai 330 kV overhead line
Construction of Kruonio HAE-Bitenai 330 kV overhead line
Grid optimisation in North-Eastern Lithuania
Implementation of New Synchronous Condensers
Implementation of Frequency Stability Assessment System (FSAS)
Implementation of Automatic Generation Control System
Upgrading the HDVC control system of the “NordBalt” Lithuanian-Swedish electricity interconnector to ensure frequency stability
Reconstruction of Neris transformer substation
Test of emergency assistance to the Lithuanian electricity system from the Polish electricity system via a synchronous interconnector
Isolated operation test of the power system of the Republic of Lithuania
The isolated operation test of Baltic States’ power systems
Additional project: Development of a new energy balance and ancillary services management system (project implemented by “Litgrid”, which is not included in the list of synchronisation programme projects approved by the Government)
Installation of an electricity energy storage system (implemented by the designated storage system operator UAB “Energy cells”)
Overview of the market
Market development
EU internal market for electricity
Nord Pool Spot Lithuania
Network Codes
Adequacy studies
Baltic balancing capacity market procurement optimisation function documentation
Approved proposal for the Baltic balancing capacity market
Approved proposal for the exemption to balancing capacity obligation transfers across Baltic bidding zones
Baltic LFC block FRR dimensioning forecast 2025-2032
Baltic balancing roadmap
New balancing capacity market
Proposal for the cross-zonal capacity allocation methodology for balancing capacity
Public consultations regarding methodologies of the Baltic balancing capacity market
Public consultation on the methodologies of Baltic LFC block after synchronisation with the Continental Europe Synchronous Area
Assessment of the adequacy of Lithuania's electricity system under extreme conditions 2022-2025
Assessing the adequacy of Lithuania's electricity system in 2025-2030
Scenario Building for the Evolution of Lithuanian Power Sector for 2020 - 2050
Demand Response through Aggregation – A Harmonized Approach in the Baltic Region
Lithuania demand response study
Electricity transmission in Lithuania
The guarantee of origin administration
The statistic data of guarantees of origin
Residual mix
Connection to the transmission grid
EIC codes lists
2016 year
2015 year
2014 year
2013 year
2012 year
2011 year
Battery Energy Storage System and Power-to-Heat Hybrid Energy System: Demonstration of Synergy
Test with Ignitis and Kaunas HPP
Load management by aggregating users
Connection moment control system for improved electricity quality
Developing a single European electricity flexibility market
Scenarios for the development of the Lithuanian electricity system for 2020-2050
Improving the reliability of the “Nordbalt” electricity link between Lithuania and Sweden
Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian power systems successfully synchronised with Continental Europe
Baltic island mode proceeding as planned, system operators conduct planned voltage deviation tests
Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian Power Systems Disconnected from Russian IPS/UPS System
Electricity transmission system operators of Continental Europe adopted decisions on Baltic states synchronisation
Baltic electricity transmission system operators agreed on partnership in system operations after synchronisation
Invitation to the upcoming Balancing Market Surveillance Workshop
Litgrid results for 9 months: completed crucial steps for synchronisation, important infrastructure projects are implemented
Notification on the use of market-based allocation of cross zonal capacity for the Baltic Balancing Capacity Market
Vilnius counts down the time until the Baltic States connect to the European electricity grid
The foundation for the independence of Lithuania's electricity system - the first synchronous condenser has been launched in Lithuania
Baltic electricity transmission system operators joined European balancing energy platform MARI in preparation for synchronisation
Litgrid and Svenska kraftnät sign a contract to upgrade NordBalt control system
Synchronisation newsletter. Lithuania's electricity transmission network after synchronisation: projects and plans
Isolated operation test of the Kaliningrad electricity system is planned in September
Litgrid: solar and wind capacity in Lithuania has reached 3 GW
Litgrid announces results for the first half of 2024: continued preparation for synchronisation, focus on renewable energy
Litgrid started spatial planning for Harmony Link overland interconnector
Baltic TSOs have sent a notice on decoupling from Russia-controlled electricity system in February 2025
PSE and Litgrid signed cooperation agreement to build Harmony Link interconnector as overland line
Harmony Link onshore AC interconnector confirmed as technically feasible
Litgrid sends a third aid package to help rebuild Ukraine’s energy infrastructure
Third synchronous condenser arrived in Lithuania: installation work begins
Tomas Varneckas was elected as the chairman of the board of Litgrid for the second term
Litgrid's results for the first quarter: strategic projects successfully implemented, improved financial indicators.
Litgrid's planned expansion of the Northwest electricity transmission network has been granted the status of special state importance
New Litgrid Board elected, with two independent members from Dutch, German and Belgian TSOs
Independent members from TSOs in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium are nominated to the Litgrid Board
Baltic TSO’s updated Baltic Balancing Roadmap
Litgrid's 2023 results: objectives reached, reliability of electricity transmission ensured, loss turned into profit
EPSO-G announces the selection of board members for Amber grid and Litgrid
Baltic Sea region TSOs to assist Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia synchronise with continental European network
Baltic and Polish electricity transmission operators complete dynamic stability study of accelerated synchronisation
Litgrid and PSE are considering an alternative for the new Polish-Lithuanian interconnection
Litgrid results for 9 months: completed strategic projects, system security ensuring devices arrived in Lithuania
An important cargo from Litgrid has reached Ukraine: a powerful autotransformer will provide electricity to hundreds of thousands
Litgrid's results for the first half of the year: synchronisation readiness tested, electricity transmission reliability increased
Baltic TSOs signed an agreement for synchronisation to take place in February 2025
Litgrid First Quarter Results: Continuation of Synchronisation Projects and Important Decisions for the Development of Solar and Wind Energy
Litgrid Completed the Isolated Operation Test of the Lithuanian Electricity System
How Latvia is progressing towards the synchronisation
EPSO-G launches selection of “Amber Grid” and “Litgrid” Board members
Litgrid Results For 2022: Important Stages Of Synchronisation Projects Completed, High Energy Prices Led To A Loss
Tomas Varneckas elected as the Chairman of the Board of LITGRID AB
Algirdas Juozaponis, the Chair of the Board of LITGRID AB, decided to leave EPSO-G company group
Litgrid 9 months results: high energy prices lead to loss, strategic projects are on track
Baltic Sea Transmission System Operators prepare to manage risks on electricity adequacy
Litgrid and Amber Grid are sending aid to rebuild Ukraine's energy infrastructure
Baltic balancing capacity market: an opportunity for investments in batteries and renewable energy solutions
Artūras Vilimas, an independent member of Litgrid's Management Board, resigns
To increase competition among contractors Litgrid joins international public procurement platform
Isolated operation test of the Kaliningrad electricity system to be held over the weekend
The isolated operation test of Lithuania’s electricity system postponed
Litgrid held a synchronous connection training session for Baltic states’ electricity system dispatchers
Litgrid results for the first half of the year: reliable electricity transmission ensured, preparations for synchronisation continue
An impressive electrification of Lithuania is on the way: the country's energy demand is set to grow by almost 50% in 10 years.
New Baltic states’ electricity transmission operators' project - Regional Coordination Centre launches
Electricity transmission system operators will cooperate to ensure system adequacy
Litgrid sustainability performance: connected 217 MW of renewable energy sources to the grid; will use renewable energy for its own use; significantly increased green procurement
Baltic states’ electricity grid operators refuse balancing energy from Russia
Litgrid prepares for the isolated operation test of Lithuania’s electricity system by testing the main Lithuanian power plants
Russian electricity will no longer be traded in the Baltic states
Innovative Litgrid project triumphs at international awards
The war in Ukraine has led to greater public support for Lithuania’s strategic energy projects
With economic growth, Lithuania’s electricity consumption in 2021 was the highest in 30 years
Rokas Masiulis presenttaion at Nasdaq event CEO meets investors
Transmission system operators from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland signed the agreements in the framework of CEF program for the synchronization Phase 2 part II projects
Methodology on capacity calculation and allocation with third countries approved
2 new Board members nominated to the Board of Litgrid AB - Tomas Varneckas ir Gediminas Karalius
Litgrid: the goals that were achieved in 2021 ensure the security of the energy system
Cooperation agreement signed between RB Rail AS and Litgrid
The Baltic electricity transmission system operators are reducing the commercial capacity of system connections with Russia
Results achieved by Litgrid in 2021: greater reliability, strategic projects completed
EU endorsed a support for the second phase projects of the Baltic States' synchronisation
Litgrid's innovation test will help increase Lithuanian energy security
Litgrid and Siemens Energy Will Implement the Second Largest Synchronisation Project in Lithuania
Litgrid starts preparing a feasibility study for offshore wind integration
Regarding the public information about the possibility for the Baltic States to increase the share of the electricity from Russia and Belarus
Lithuanians and Poles carried out an emergency support test on the Polish-Lithuanian electricity interconnection
Litgrid has announced the procurement for works of design and construction of 330 kV Mūša substation
Lithuania already has a synchronisation-ready interconnection with Poland: Litgrid has completed the LitPol Link expansion project
Litgrid three-quarter results for 2021: system reliability indicators improved, increased revenue as the volume of power transferred increased
Baltic and Polish TSOs applied for CEF funding for synchronisation investments
Baltic balancing roadmap
Litgrid plans - evolution of the organization and the possibility to integrate 4,900 MW of renewable energy
Baltic TSOs have updated Baltic CoBA Imbalance Settlement Rules in accordance with public consultation result
Litgrid has connected the first battery to the Lithuanian power transmission network
Litgrid has announced the procurement of a Harmony Link interconnection cable
Litgrid results of the first half of 2021: as the quantity of transmitted energy increased, the revenue grew by more than 10%.
Results of the public consultation on the market study of the electricity balancing reserves
Introducing new Baltic Transparency Dashboard
Rokas Masiulis met stakeholders at Nasdaq event "CEO meets investors 2021"
Litgrid and PSE approved the investment decisions for the Harmony Link
TEPCO study provides recommendations for Baltic States on expansion of renewable energy sources by 2050
The results of Litgrid for the first quarter of 2021: more electricity was transmitted, revenues increased by 15.8 percent, the system operated reliably
Improvements to Baltic Power Systems Needed for Secure and Stable Synchronous Operation Will Be Evaluated in Synchronisation Studies
Litgrid Announced the Public Tender for Engineering and Construction on Two Synchronisation Projects
Litgrid Started the Reconstruction of Jurbarkas - Bitėnai Transmission Line, an Important Step for the Synchronisation Project
Baltic Sea TSOs met to discuss regional energy sector developments
Public consultations on the market study of the electricity balancing reserves
Rokas Masiulis appointed as the director general of Lithuania‘s electricity transmission system operator Litgrid
Litgrid results for 2020: increased revenue and system reliability indicators
Litgrid Started the Reconstruction Of a Transmission Line Important for the Synchronisation Project
Possibility of the temporary short-term disruptions on the website www.litgrid.eu tonight
TSOs agreed to strengthen cooperation for the future of offshore grid in the Baltic Sea
TSO’s of Baltic Countries and Poland Signed the Grant Agreement for the Second Phase of Synchronisation
Seabed Survey for the Harmony Link Cable Due to Start
The nine-month results of Litgrid: revenue and profits were up, the electricity transmission system operated reliably, strategic projects are effectively implemented
Experts from the Canadian company Teshmont Consultants LP will help develop the Litgrid offshore electricity connection with Poland
Regarding the Terms, Conditions and Methodology on Cross-Zonal Capacity Calculation, Provision and Allocation with Russia
Baltic TSOs have commonly prepared Baltic Balancing Market Rules for operation with European mFRR balancing energy exchange platform MARI
EU granted the largest possible funding to the key second phase projects of the Baltic states‘ synchronization project
Baltic TSOs have commonly prepared concept for Baltic Load Frequency Control block development and Baltic balancing capacity markets
Regarding public consultation on Common Baltic transmission system operators’ Terms, Conditions and Methodology on Cross-Zonal Capacity Calculation, Provision and Allocation with Russia
Regarding public consultation on baseline methodology, implementation of Balancing Service Contract and Imbalance Purchase – Sales Contract
European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Parties confirm successful 2nd wave go-live
European Single Intraday Coupling Solution and Local Implementation Projects confirm 2nd wave go-live date
European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Solution and Local Implementation Projects confirm 2nd wave go-live date for November 2019
LitPol Link company completed its mission. PSE and Litgrid will cooperate directly
XBID 1st anniversary and announcement of 2nd Wave Go-Live
Important agreement on connection to the European power system comes into effect
Public consultation on the Baltic transmission system operators’ Baltic 15 minute imbalance settlement period implementation concept document
New Polish-Lithuanian submarine HVDC cable – “Harmony Link”. Initial Cooperation Agreement signed
XBID – 2nd Wave Go-Live and Changes in Gate Opening Time from 1st January 2019
Public consultation on Rules for suspension and restoration of market activities and Rules for imbalance settlement of balancing energy in case of suspension of market activities
Regarding legislation amendments
The completion of the project of dynamic study identifying technical conditions of the Baltic States’ synchronization with the system of the Continental Europe
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects successful go-live
Interim unaudited financial results of Litgrid for the first 3 months of 2018 - sustainable financial results and high electricity transmission reliability
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects confirm go-live date for June 2018
Litgrid Event “Creating Value for Society“ today at 10:00
Invitation: Litgrid Event “Creating Value for Society“
Nord Pool Restructures For the Future
Public consultation on standard terms and conditions for balance responsible parties and balance service providers
EU invests in Baltic synchronization project
Infrastructure Projects for Synchronization at a Full Speed
The results of the public consultation on "Demand Response through Aggregation – a Harmonized Approach in the Baltic region"
Interim unaudited financial results of Litgrid for the twelve months of 2017
Electricity Consumption in Lithuania Hit Record High in FY 2017
European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects announce a revised go-live date for June 2018
Baltic TSOs launch a common Baltic balancing market from 2018
Baltic Electricity Transmission System Operators’ Public Consultation on “Demand Response through Aggregation – a Harmonized Approach in the Baltic Region”
Litgrid Group‘s Results for Nine Months of 2017
Public consultation on the Baltic CCR proposal for Regional Design of Long-Term Transmission Rights
The conditions for Baltic power system isolated operation test assessed
Litgrid Group‘s Results for the First Six Months of 2017
Litgrid will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the financial results for first-half year of 2017
Public consultation on the proposal for capacity calculation methodology in the Baltic capacity calculation region
An internal check at Litgrid initiated due to the conclusions presented by the Public Procurement Office
Lietuvos Energija and Litgrid Signed a Duomenų Logistikos Centras Sale Agreement with Telia Lietuva
The key projects in Ten-Year Network Development Plan focus on the integration into Europe
Electricity system management to depend on consumers’ needs in future
Construction of Alytus–Kruonis power line gathering pace
Litgrid‘s results for 2017 Q1: sustainable growth and value for society
SE4-PL-LT market coupling arrangements update by activation of Polish optimization area (PLA)
Energy Minister Vaičiūnas: from 2025 the Baltic region will need new reliable power plants
An agreement reached to replace the NordBalt interconnection onshore joints
SE4-PL-LT market coupling arrangements update by activation of Polish optimization area
Public consultation on the proposal for fallback procedures for capacity allocation in the Baltic CCR
One power link may be sufficient for synchronisation
Customers’ input in securing the flexible management of the power system will be assessed
Litgrid CEO Daivis Virbickas: We are focusing on sustainable long-term results
Electricity consumption in Lithuania: highest in a quarter of a century
Upgrading Infrastructure in Northeast Lithuania for Synchronisation with the European Grid
Virbickas: It’s time for Europe to embrace regional energy perspective
Baltic power systems preparing for isolated operation test
Market Price Reduced 13% Due to Operation of NordBalt and LitPol Link
Litgrid focused on European integration strategy throughout 2016
Scope of Investment in the Transmission Grid Reliability: EUR 18 million
Negotiations over the Service for Tertiary Power Reserve for 2017 Completed
Record Amount of Wind Power Connected to the Transmission Grid in 2016
Grid Reliability Underpinning Growth in Litgrid Group‘s Income
Success of infrastructure projects depends on society’s involvement in decision-making
New power line being built in Alytus district
The first tertiary reserve auction to be held next week
Baltic TSOs launch a coordinated exchange of balancing energy
Cooperation between Litgrid and NATO Centre to ensure energy security
New power line to enhance the power transmission grid
Litgrid encourages company managers to put focus on occupational safety
Litgrid: everyone wins if more consumers use the grid
The summary of the public consultation on the Baltic balancing market elements published
Power market design requires regional agreement
Lithuania’s experience in energy projects will benefit Energy Union vision
First scheduled maintenance of LitPol Link finalised
LitPol Link Route to Be Monitored by Ornithological Society and Lithuanian Fund for Nature
Preparations for the Second Link with Poland Have Started
Virbickas to become a European Commission expert group member
Rimvydas Štilinis elected as chairman of the Litgrid board
New wind farm connected to the grid
How autumn affects daily routine of power engineers
Litgrid aims to optimize renewable energy management
Litgrid Group reports net profit growth
First digital transformer substation activated in Lithuania
Environmentalists to work on LitPol Link route
New Board of Litgrid elected
Second Lithuanian-Polish power link feasibility to be assessed
The first half year with new power links: more security and lower prices
Litgrid’s Warning in the Ten-Year Plan: Electricity Generation Is Moving Away from Lithuania
Baltic TSOs launch a public consultation on the Baltic balancing market elements
More power links needed for European electricity systems integration
LitPol Link power interconnection will be making less noise
Transformer at NordBalt’s converter station in Sweden being replaced
Only one out of two energy construction sites operates safely
Environmental impact of LitPol Link to be monitored for three years
Litgrid’s High-Voltage Lines in an Online Map Database
Litgrid: to maximise benefits of existing infrastructure, action must be taken now
Baltic electricity systems preparing to operate independently
Litgrid Group starts the year with growing income and net profit
Invitation to Baltic Power Conference on 1 June
Litgrid CEO Daivis Virbickas: the next milestone - synchronisation
Information about ENTSO-E public consultations
Cause of NordBalt disruption being determined
NordBalt’s testing goes as planned
Litgrid develops a study on power flow restriction from Ostrovets power plant
Litgrid renewed typical contractor agreements
NordBalt is ready to serve as the pillar of the power system
Electricity network development projects lay the foundation for synchronisation with Europe
Upward trend in electricity generation and consumption in Lithuania in 2015
Synchronisation of Baltic countries - an important step towards Energy Union
First electricity transmitted through NordBalt sold on the market
Litgrid and energy businesses join efforts for reliable power grid
Litgrid invites contractors for cooperation in renewing typical agreements
LitPol Link starts regular operations
Power successfully transmitted through NordBalt cable
System tests are carried out at NordBalt converter station
Baltic Rules for the calculation and allocation of cross-border capacities approved by all Baltic Regulators and become effective from 1 January 2016
New interconnections open electricity highways to Europe for the Baltic countries
Interconnections LitPol Link and NordBalt to be symbolically activated by the Baltic Sea region leaders
During testing, NordBalt and LitPol Link will be prepared to serve for decades
LitPol Link starts trial operations
First electricity from Poland traded on the market
Successful start of LitPol Link tests
LitPol Link power line energized for the first time
Systems tests of NordBalt not to affect the market participants
70th Anniversary of the Lithuanian power system
Litgrid CEO: Better use of the power system – possibilities in our hands
NordBalt to provide more energy security for six million people in the Baltic countries
D. Virbickas: We aim to become the Baltic Sea region’s energy competence centre
Minister of Energy: NordBalt Opens the Surplus Scandinavian Electricity Market for Lithuania and Latvia
Information about the results of public consultations on the draft rules for the capacity calculation and allocation
NordBalt cable lying safe on the bottom of the Baltic Sea
Litgrid CEO: LitPol Link to increase the competitiveness of the region
Reconstruction of the 330 kV switchyard – the gate of LitPol Link - completed
Litgrid Group‘s results for the first half of 2015 announced
In July electricity prices remained low
Heat wave not only stress out population, but also high voltage electric equipment
During the first month of summer electricity price traditionally rose
Reputation to be assessed in Litgrid public tenders
LitPol Link to receive EUR 27 million of EU funding
Invitation to respond to the public consultations on the Terms, Conditions and Methodologies on Cross-Zonal Capacity Calculation, Provision and Allocation within the Baltic States and with the 3rd Countries
Ten-year grid development plan: investments into integration and security of supply
Common regulations will allow for better use of the power infrastructure in Europe
The NordBalt cable has been laid in the Baltic Sea
Baltic and Nordic TSOs cooperate in creating a common electricity balancing market
Litgrid Group's results for the first quarter of 2015 announced
Average electricity market price in April 19% lower than a year ago
Strict quality requirements for the reliable grid
The last 50 kilometres of NordBalt cable will be soon laid to the seabed
Construction on the NordBalt link is coming to an end
Litgrid seeks partial European Union funding for electricity interconnection with Poland
LitPol Link MoU Brings Polish-Lithuanian Energy Trading a Step Closer
Electricity was cheaper throughout Baltic Sea region in March
Last 150 kilometres of NordBalt cable to be laid in the Baltic Sea
Litgrid calls shareholders meeting
Litgrid and Lithuanian Ornithological Society launches a joint bird protection initiative
Invitation to response to the Public consultation and workshop regarding the draft of Harmonised Allocation Rules
Litgrid Group financial results for 2014 announced
Electricity consumption increased by 2 % in 2014
Nordic and Baltic power markets’ integration will boost competitiveness of the region
The last section of NordBalt submarine cable has been manufactured
Common Baltic electricity balancing market – important step towards European integration
The first LitPol Link transformer arrives in Alytus
Litgrid did not violate the terms of regulated activities
Klaipėda transformer substation prepared for connection with NordBalt
One year until the launch of power interconnections with Poland and Sweden
November witnessed the lowest average electricity market price since May
Baltic TSOs agreed on roadmap towards synchronization with Continental Europe
Two NordBalt transformers unloaded at the port of Klaipėda
Invitation to Respond to the Public Consultation on the Projects that could be Potentially Included in the List of PCI
Litgrid Group‘s Financial Results for Nine Months of 2014 Published
About 60 percent of total electricity consumption will be imported this winter season
NASDAQ OMX Commodities presents first financial products for electricity market players
Terms and conditions of PTR-limited Auctions announced for the year 2015
The current methodology for the calculation of cross-border capacities will remain the same till beginning of 2016
LitPol Link ‘Power Bridge’ Construction Reaches Halfway Point
New High-Voltage Transmission Line Successfully Launched
Environmentalists and energy specialists help save a rare plant species
Strategic Investments in Power Grid to Bring Decades of Benefits
One-fifth of the electricity consumed this summer was produced by local power plants
Experts: new sources of electricity generation would also be needed for the development of renewable energy
Invitation to Respond to the Public Consultation on the PTR-Limited principles
Specialists continue environmental monitoring of the territory for construction of the LitPol Link ‘power bridge’
Summer work on the NordBalt link crowned by the cable being pulled through the Curonian Lagoon
The electricity market survived the July heat
Litgrid borrows from NIB to partially fund LitPol Link
Hydroelectric power plants generated one tenth of the electricity consumed in May, in Lithuania
Panevėžys substation has been modernised to ensure reliable operation of the energy system
The NordBalt project is successfully conquering the Baltic Sea
The Lithuanian High Voltage Electricity Transmission Network is Safe
Local Power Production Slowed Down the Rise of Market Prices
Conservationists and environmental consultants will oversee LitPol Link construction
One hundred kilometres of NordBalt cable has been laid
LitPol Link’s construction starts in Alytus
Electricity market development issues - in the hands of experts
Power system ready for summer
NordBalt Cable Laying Begins in the Baltic Sea
Swedish contractors start working on the construction site of the key facilities of the NordBalt power link
Electricity Demand Remained Stable; Renewable Resource Production Grew the Most
Litgrid’s reorganised system control centre will facilitate preparation for operational management of the interconnections with Sweden and Poland
Lithuanian electricity prices likely to resemble those in Scandinavia
Rules on Cross - Border Capacity Calculation and Allocation
Lithuanian Electrical Energy System Ready for the Most Severe Winter
Intraday market launched in Lithuania
Litgrid calls Baltic TSOs to maximize available capacities for electricity imports
The last contract signed in the framework of LitPol Link interconnection project
Litgrid invites to allocate and use capacities more effectively
Feasibility study of Baltic States’ integration into EU internal electricity market accomplished
In December, Nord Pool Spot intraday electricity market will be launched in Lithuania
Benefit from interconnections NordBalt and LitPol Link could reach LTL 180 million per year
The transmission grid development plan includes infrastructure projects up to 2022
Heads of Lithuanian and Polish TSOs discuss LitPol Link project
Litgrid signed an agreement on reconstruction of Alytus switchyard, a gateway to LitPol Link
Generation and transmission capacity shortage in the Baltic region raises prices on the power exchange
Chairman of the Board of Litgrid has been elected
Board of Litgrid has been elected
Latvian system operator, Augstsprieguma tikls (AST), becomes Nord Pool Spot shareholder
Litgrid Complies with the Requirements of EU Third Energy Package – the Company Has Been Granted a TSO Licence of Unlimited Duration
Litgrid profit increased twofold in the first half of 2013
Intraday market Elbas for Latvia and Lithuania in 2013
Baltic power market completed with successful opening of Latvian bidding area
Regarding key court ruling in LitPol Link project
Litgrid’s 2013 Q1 results keeps up with successful previous year
All permits obtained for the construction of NordBalt power link in Lithuania
Consultancy contract signed between LITGRID and Pöyry SwedPower AB in support of the Litpol Link project implementation
New Litgrid Web Site
Production of NordBalt sea cable begins
Litgrid Announces Tender for the LitPol Link Project
The latest “Energy Update” issue
Lithuanian electricity infrastructure development to prepare for the link with Sweden
New Version of the Law on Electricity Comes into Effect
Litgrid announces interim activity results for 2011
The latest "Energy Update" issue
Public Consultations on European Electricity Transmission Network Development Launched
In 2011, 65% of electricity consumed came from imported sources
World’s Largest Power Exchange Nord Pool Spot Launches Bidding Area in Lithuania
Litgrid Prepares Unbundling Plan
TSOs of the Baltic countries to become Nord Pool Spot shareholders
One of Vilnius' Key Electricity Units Under Reconstruction
Litgrid Obliged to Implement Activity Separation Plan by 1 October
The latest "Energy Update" issue
Tender Winner Announced for the Feasibility Study of Baltic States’ Interconnection with European Continental Network
Invitation to introductory seminar
Government Authorises Litgrid to Implement Synchronisation with the European Continental Electricity Network
Assessment of Lithuanian and European Electricity Systems Interconnection Underway
The latest "Energy Update" issue
Dividend Payment Procedure for 2011
Draft Government resolution on Litgrid unbundling submitted
Litgrid reports revenue growth in 2012 Q1
The Dawn of Lithuanian Energy Independence Soon to Break
Convocation of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LITGRID AB
Lithuania becomes a part of the Nordic power exchange
Ongoing Power Link Projects Get European Union's Financial Injection
The latest "Energy Update" issue
Procedure of Interconnection to the Electricity Transmission Network Clarified
Lithuanian Electric Energy System Network Development Plan up to 2021 Released for Public Consultation
Smooth First Month’s Trade at the Nord Pool Spot Power Exchange
LITGRID AB becomes Nord Pool Spot shareholder
Most Powerful Autotransformer in Lithuania Reached Klaipeda
Laura Žalaitė Becomes a CEO of Baltpool
Strategic projects by Litgrid to minimize negative foreign influence on the electricity sector
Litgrid Ends First Half-Year 2012 with Profit
EU Third Energy Package Directive Implemented in Lithuania’s Electricity Sector
Litgrid Reconstructs Electricity Transmission Equipment in Northern Lithuania
Baltic States to Implement Common Research Projects Aimed at Modelling Baltic Energy Development
Funds of public service obligations in the electricity sector to be administered by BALTPOOL UAB
New Wind Farm Connected to Electricity Transmission Grid
Innovative Technology to Speed Up Surveillance of Power Transmission Lines
First 100 km cable ready for the NordBalt interconnection
Litgrid Becomes the Only Shareholder of UAB Tetas
Litgrid will publish daily wind power generation forecast
Vilnius Power Substation Renovated
Artūras Vilimas Appointed President of the Management Board and CEO of LitPol Link
Winner Announced in Tender to Build Alytus HVDC Back-to-Back Converter Station as a Part of LitPol Link Interconnection
Litgrid and ABB signed an agreement for design and construction of LitPol Link HVDC converter station
Country's Economic Growth Reflected by Increased Power Consumption in 2012
Government Gives Go-Ahead for NordBalt Construction in Coastal Area
Efficient use of electricity infrastructure to enable bigger imports of electricity from Northern Europe
Outstanding results in 2012 for Litgrid
Lithuania seeing a decrease in electricity imported from Russia, increase from Estonia
Litgrid reports income growth in 2012 Q1
Management team
Information about the company
Investor's calendar
Share Trade
Share Trade History
Litgrid share and indexes comparison
Other documents
Financial Statements
Information about Shares and Majority Shareholders
Meetings of Shareholders
Decisions adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LITGRID AB 30/12/2024
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 30/12/2024
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 13/09/2024
Convocation of the Ordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 30/04/2024
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 12/02/2024
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 08/08/2023
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 12/06/2023
Convocation of the Ordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 11/04/2023
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 22/12/2022
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 30/11/2022
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 05/09/2022
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 16/08/2022
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 11/07/2022
Convocation of Extraordinary General Meeting 13/06/2022
Convocation of Extraordinary General Shareholder Meeting 02/05/2022
Convocation of Ordinary General Meeting 20/04/2022
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 01/12/2021
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 17/11/2021
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 06/09/2021
Convocation of Extraordinary General shareholder Meeting 17/05/2021
Convocation of General Shareholder meeting 20/04/2021
Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of LITGRID AB shareholders 02/02/2022
2021 Material events
2022 Material events
2023 Material events
2024 Material events
Main documents
Applicable legal acts
Grid development
Grid development
Standard technical requirements
Electricity Transmission Grid Ten-Year Development Plan
Strategic projects
Strategic projects
LitPol Link
Infrastructure projects
Kruonis HPSP-Alytus
Klaipėda-Marios 3
Klaipėda TS
Šiauliai TS
Panevėžys TS
Bitėnai switchyard
Standard technical requirements
Primary equipment and substation auxiliary supply
10 kV
110 kV
330 kV
400 kV
Substation auxiliary supply
Power transmission lines
400-110 kV voltage range overhead lines
330-110 kV voltage range cables
Relay protection and automation
Telecomunication data collection and transmission
Electric metering
Construction part
Security and fire alarms
Information security
Studies and reviews
Standard technical requirements
Standard technical requirements
Primary equipment
Power transmission lines
Relay protection and automation
Telecomunication data collection and transmission
Electric metering
Construction part
Security and fire alarms
Information security
Frequency and voltage qualitative parameters