Litgrid and energy businesses join efforts for reliable power grid
Litgrid, that manages high-voltage electricity transmission network, encourages its contractors to raise the quality bar of their contracted work. Already setting high standards for itself and companies participating in the development or reconstruction of the power grid, Litgrid will demand even more to ensure the reliable operation of the network and safety of the people working at the grid facilities or on its construction.
Litgrid has discussed its expectations with existing and prospective contractors at a meeting of the Lithuanian Electricity Association. The Association brings together business companies involved in the construction and design of power facilities along with academic organisations.
In recent years, Litgrid has implemented strategic power interconnection projects involving highly complex technologies, while simultaneously conducting the reconstruction of the grid. All of the work involved has been performed by companies under public procurement contracts.
“The safety of the grid and reliable power transmission to consumers are primarily determined by the work performed under infrastructure development and reconstruction projects. No compromise in terms of quality or safety is possible. We encourage all existing contractors already working under Litgrid orders, as well as our prospective partners, to join us in our efforts to do what it takes to ensure the strict compliance of contracted work, design, installation and setup activities within the quality requirements,” said Daivis Virbickas, CEO at Litgrid.
In 2015, Litgrid reviewed and amended the minimum qualification requirements for contractors in order to perform a more accurate evaluation of tenders in terms of readiness to undertake a task. The ongoing introduction of improvements concerned with project planning, technical surveillance assurance, contract management, occupational safety standard and control measures is aimed at improving the quality of contracted work, ensuring workers’ safety and eliminating any chances of errors.
“A high-voltage electricity transmission grid is a complex and specific infrastructure, requiring that all related decision-making is done very carefully. People working on-site, primarily our specialists and the employees of our contractors, are exposed to the highest risks when performing work on power grid development and reconstruction projects. We strive to ensure the safety of people who do their job and reliable operation during this decade and several decades ahead,” said Karolis Sankovski, Member of the Board, Director of the Strategic Infrastructure Department at Litgrid.