The guarantee of origin administration
Litgrid AB is a Designated Authority (Issuing body) to carry out the issuance, transfer and cancellation of guarantees of origin for electricity produced from renewable energy sources and the recognition of guarantees of origin issued by other Member States in the Republic of Lithuania in accordance to the Resolution No.1-140 of 1 June 2020 of the Minister of Energy (further – Rules of RES guarantee of origin).
Electricity producers, electricity suppliers, transmission system operator and distribution system operator, as well as other market participants who have issued guarantees of origin, shall be obliged to comply with these rules of guarantee of origin of RES to provide information to the Issuing Body.
Starting June 2018 the Issuing Body became a member of the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB). This membership entitles to import guarantees of origin from another AIB member country using the AIB Central Electronic Guarantee of Origin System (AIB HUB). The Free Movement of Guarantees of Origin through this AIB HUB facilitates cross-border trade-in guarantees of origin and promotes the standardized pan-European framework of rules (the European Energy Certificate Sytems or EECS).
RES Guarantees of Origin shall be issued, transferred and / or used (with the exception of Guarantees of Origin referred to in paragraph 16.1 of the Rules of Origin Guarantee of RES), in the Guarantee of Origin sytem (CMO.grexel). Participants seeking to obtain, tranfer, use and / or import guarantees of origin from another (non-) AIB member countries must enter into a contract with the Issuin Body. To enter into the contract, participants must submit an application and a completed questionnaire (non-Lithuanian residents only). The application and related documents should be submitted to: [email protected]
The detail information on the guarantees of origin procedures and conditions in Lithuania can be found in the Lithuanian Domain Protocol.
In accordance to the Resolution No.1-216 of 5 November 2012 of the Minister of Energy (further – Rules of the Efficient co-generation guarantee of origin), Litgrid AB is responsible for the issue or cancellation of the certificates of origin.
Rules of the Efficient co-generation guarantee of origin are mandatory for the transmission system operator and electricity producers, producing electricity in high efficiency cogeneration process and wishing to obtain certificates of origin.