Litgrid’s High-Voltage Lines in an Online Map Database
High-voltage overhead electricity transmission lines have been included in REGIA, an online map database (a regional geoinformational environmental service). Anyone can check where there are high-voltage lines in relation to their home, at what distance, and what facilities are present in line safety zones.
High-voltage electrical equipment poses a hazard to life, therefore, safety rules must be followed while being near such equipment. As well as being a threat to human life or property, careless behaviour within line safety zones may cause disruptions in the supply of electricity to customers. Safety zones are established in order to protect the lines from people’s activities, and people – from the hazards related to the proximity of the lines in the area bordering the safety zone. Certain restrictions on activities have been imposed, e. g. a permit to construct a fence or another structure must be obtained from Litgrid.
According to V. Grušas, Director of the Transmission Grid Department at Litgrid, there are cases when a person buys a land plot not knowing that part of the plot falls within a line safety zone and that activities in that territory are restricted.
“You can track the exact route of an electricity line and the location of its safety zone on a REGIA map before buying a land plot or planning construction. This ensures that much more accurate territorial planning decisions are made,” says V. Grušas.
The length of high-voltage electricity lines in Lithuania totals 7,029 km; there are 236 transformer substations and switchyards. Safety zones have been established for all the high-voltage electricity transmission lines. A safety zone is a strip of land extending along the line axis: for 110 kV lines – 20 m from the nearest wire on either side of the line, and for 330 kV lines – 30 m from the nearest wire on either side of the line.
REGIA is a regional geoinformation database comprising all the main infrastructure of the region. The maps show cultural and tourism sites, protected areas, and engineering infrastructure.