Grid development

Klaipėda TS

Reconstruction of the 330/110/10 kV Klaipėda transformer substation
Significance of the project

Rehabilitation of the 330/110/10 kV Klaipėda TS is necessary in order to increase the reliability of operation of the national power system. The rehabilitation will be implemented in preparation for the operation of the NordBalt Link. The HVDC back-to-back converter – one of the key components of the link will be installed in the Klaipėda TS.

Purpose of the project

Upon rehabilitation of the Klaipėda TS, the Klaipėda-Telšiai transmission line and the NordBalt Link will be connected to it. Furthermore, reliability of power supply to West Lithuania which frequently suffers from severe weather conditions will be increased.

Main characteristics of the project

Project value: LTL 65 million.
Calendar of events

On 31 January 2012, a contract was concluded with a consortium of Tetas UAB and Empower AB that has won a public tendering procedure.

In July 2012, an auto transformer – the most powerful in Lithuania was delivered to the Klaipėda TS.   

All outdated items of equipment in the substation will be replaced by the summer of 2014.

Project funding

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under Measure “Modernisation and Development of the Power Transmission System“, Priority 4 “The Fundamental Economic Infrastructure“ of the EU Economic Growth Operational Programme“.