Upgrading the HDVC control system of the “NordBalt” Lithuanian-Swedish electricity interconnector to ensure frequency stability
Status: the project is incepted, planning activities are in progress.
Objective of the project:
Implement accident prevention measures to ensure frequency stability of the Lithuanian power system in synchronous operation with continental European grids and in isolated operation.
Significance of the project:
Synchronisation with continental European grids is the last stage of Lithuania’s independence, granting it energy freedom. Our electricity system is currently still dependent on frequency control in Russia, but by 2025 it will be operating in a single synchronous area with systems in other European countries.
In order to operate in synchronisation with the Continental European grid (CEG), the Baltic electricity system will have to comply with the requirements of the CEG, as described in the contract signed by the Baltic States’ transmission system operators with the Continental European transmission system operators on 27 May 2019 on the synchronisation of the Baltic States’ electricity systems with the continental European grids. One of the requirements of this contract is to upgrade the control systems of the existing HVDC links to ensure frequency stability. There are three such links in the Baltic countries: the two linking the Estonian and Finnish electricity systems - “Estlink 1” and “Estlink 2” and the Lithuanian-Swedish “NordBalt” link. Once Lithuania joins the CEG, the fourth link, “LitPol Link”, connecting Lithuania and Poland, will no longer be used in the HDVC mode.
In order to extend the frequency management capabilities of the Lithuanian and Baltic power system and to ensure emergency management, the “NordBalt” control system needs to be upgraded with new functionality that will allow emergency assistance to be received from the Nordic power systems when needed.
The project will extend the frequency management functionality and upgrade the emergency power management functionality.
Calendar of works in quarterly format
Date of implementation
Public procurement call for tenders
2nd quarter of 2023
Contract signed with the contractor for “NordBalt” control system upgrade
1st quarter of 2024
System updates installed in the management system
2nd quarter of 2025
Carrying out the substantive tests and signing of the transfer-acceptance act.
4th quarter of 2025
On 26 January 2022, the European Commission adopted a decision on the infrastructure projects proposed for funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). On 3 June 2022, a financing agreement was signed with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), which provides for support from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), with the CEF reimbursing 75% of the investment.