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Virbickas to become a European Commission expert group member

Daivis Virbickas, the CEO of Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid, became a member of the European Commission expert group. The group formed by European experts recognized in the electricity market and the energy sector, representatives of science institutions and non-governmental organizations will advise to the Commission on European electricity infrastructure connection.
The group will consist of 15 invited experts from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators ACER, European network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity and Gas ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G, European Industry associations, scientific research organizations specialized in the electricity sector, as well as individual experts invited to the expert group due to their accumulated experience and recognized competence. 
“European integration has been and remains the priority in our agenda. Two new power interconnectors with Poland and Sweden and smooth market integration into the largest power exchange of the Nordic region is a valuable experience, and this invitation from the European Commission serves as a proof and recognition of our competences, and raises the bar for our performance”, Daivis Virbickas, Litgrid CEO says. 
Well interconnected electricity infrastructure is the key condition building a competitive and sustainable common electricity market in the European Union (EU). Implementing EU’s ambitious energy and climate objectives until 2030 significant investments to the grid infrastructure will be required.
“Power accessibility to all users should be ensured regardless of the states’ borders. Common European electricity market will ensure free flow of electricity and the least price difference of the energy resources”, Virbickas says.
Experts will advise the Commission on technical solutions and methodologies that should help to achieve the objectives of the European grids connectivity evaluating the cost and benefit ratio that could be created among the connected regions by the commercial electricity exchange possibilities. Expert group will also suggest proposals to the Commission on how to eliminate the bottle-necks of regional grids; special attention will be focused on project financing or permission granting procedures.  
On 9th of March in 2016 Commission decided to form the expert group with the aim to enhance European electricity grids interconnection to reach overall capacity of 10 percent of total installed capacity in the European Union by 2020 and to increase it until 2030 up to 15 percent. The targets will be reached through the implementation of Projects of Common Interest.
Projects of Common Interest are regional projects of power interconnection which are essential for the integration of common power markets and the development of sustainable energy.