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Power successfully transmitted through NordBalt cable

Today electricity was transmitted through the NordBalt cable, connecting Lithuania and Sweden. During the test electricity was flowing from Sweden to Lithuania and the other way round, the interconnection was operating at 30 megawatts. 
„Only after completely assured that other parts of the interconnection and their equipment were working flawlessly, we could proceed to one of the last stages of testing - power transmission. These tests and their outcome will define the reliability of the interconnection for the coming 30 years”, - said Daivis Virbickas, Litgrid CEO and Chairman of the Board.
The ability to transmit electricity between Klaipėda and Nybro as well as various parameters and functionality of HVDC converters will be tested for a week at least. During the tests, the load will be gradually increased until the maximum load capacity is reached. 
Testing of NordBalt is a long and technologically complex process in several stages, starting with in-factory equipment and tests of separate mounted systems, followed by system tests, where the interconnection is tested with various working modes, and trial operations, when the transmitted electricity is traded on the market. Up until this last stage, transmission system operators buy and sell electricity needed for the tests, as well as other technological needs, in the balancing power market.
NordBalt will become a trade connection with mutual benefits concerning security of supply for both the Nordic and Baltic countries. A cable of 700 MW capacity could cover around half of Lithuanian consumption needs on a warm winter day. NordBalt is implemented in cooperation with the Swedish TSO Svenska kraftnät.