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EPSO-G announces the selection of board members for Amber grid and Litgrid

EPSO-G, group of energy transmission and exchange companies, announced the selection process for the boards of Amber Grid and Litgrid. Candidates for independent Board members are invited to submit their applications by 31 January next year.
“Amber Grid and Litgrid play a key role in ensuring energy independence and security, and will make a significant contribution to the implementation of Lithuania’s Energy Vision 2050, which was presented this year. The application and reinforcement of good management practices is essential to ensure the achievement of these objectives and the implementation of other projects. That’s why we aim to attract the members with the best competences to our boards”, says Mindaugas Keizeris, CEO of EPSO-G. 
The boards of Amber Grid and Litgrid are composed of five members each, elected for a four-year term. The terms of office of the current boards of EPSO-G Group companies - the natural gas transmission and electricity transmission system operators - will end in April 2024.
To ensure good governance practices and proper shareholder representation, each company’s Board will be composed of two independent board members, one civil servant board member and two board members nominated by the parent company EPSO-G.
In the new Amber Grid Board, independent board members will be responsible for business transformation, technology or infrastructure solutions, while members nominated by the parent company will be responsible for strategic management and financial management. 
The independent board members of the newly formed Litgrid Board will be responsible for technology or digitalisation solutions and business development management. EPSO-G nominees will be responsible for strategic and financial management and infrastructure development in the Board. The members of the board, who are civil servants, will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the National Energy Independence Strategy (NEIS) and national security interests in both companies.
The selection of independent members of the board of the Group companies Amber Grid and Litgrid is carried out through the executive search agency Master Class Lietuva.
The EPSO-G group of companies consists of the holding company EPSO-G and its five direct subsidiaries Amber Grid, Baltpool, Energy cells, Litgrid and 
Tetas. EPSO-G and its Group companies also hold shares in GET Baltic, Baltic RCC OÜ and TSO Holding AS. The rights and obligations of the sole shareholder of EPSO-G holding are implemented by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania.