Demand Response through Aggregation – A Harmonized Approach in the Baltic Region
Baltic transmission system operators "Elering", "Augstsprieguma tīkls" and "Litgrid" (hereinafter - TSOs) have held a common public consultation from November 10th to December 10th, 2017, on the opinion paper “Demand Response through Aggregation – A Harmonized Approach in the Baltic Region”. The objective of the consultation was to gather feedback from the stakeholders about the proposed market models for integrating explicit demand response and new market players – aggregators. The feedback collected shall be used as an important input for further work on the harmonised approach.
During the public consultation, the stakeholders were asked about the following aspects of the proposed approach. The topics included – the harmonization of market rules among the Baltic States, advantages and disadvantages of two proposed alternative market frameworks, Baltic DR pilots, and baseline methodology. During the public consultation, TSOs have received responses from entities interested in or involved in the Baltic regional balancing market - suppliers, DSOs, aggregators, and regulatory institutions.