Litgrid sustainability reports
Litgrid has prepared the company's sustainability report based on the global compact (UN) initiated by the United Nations (UN). Global Compact) principles and the Global Reporting Initiative (GLOBAL REPORTING INITIATIVE).
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) recommendations that help to evaluate performance based on related economic, environmental, employee, human rights, market and relations with society indicators.
This report is available on the websites of the company and the NASDAQ Stock Exchange and is available to all stakeholders: shareholders, business partners, investors, employees and the trade union, media representatives for social partners, residents and local communities, and other relevant organizations.
Litgrid plays an important role in ensuring a smooth and reliable transition of Lithuania to an energy system integrating large amounts of rejuvenating energy resources (RES).
Litgrid implements the transformation of the electricity sector by ensuring harmonious balance among environmental, social and economic goals, integration of sustainability principles into activities and processes.
Litgrid also seeks to contribute directly to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on ensuring access to clean and modern energy, combating climate change, developing modern infrastructure and innovations, creating safe and decent working conditions, employee well-being and a sustainable supply chain.