
Litgrid > Renewables > Renewable Energy Integration Centre

Renewable Energy Integration Centre

As Lithuania is pursuing ambitious renewable energy goals and is implementing the Breakthrough Package, Lithuanian electricity transmission operator Litgrid establishes the Renewable Energy Integration Centre. The specialized centre will coordinate connecting new power plant and battery projects to the Lithuanian electricity transmission grid.
The tense geopolitical situation and high electricity prices has further accelerated the development of renewable energy resources in the country. The Breakthrough Package, that was adopted in spring 2022, requires greater involvement from Litgrid, like RES capacity planning, development, connection to the network and concentration of data analytics competencies in the single hands, which would work effectively with both shareholders and customers – developers of solar parks, wind farms and battery parks in the country.
The dedicated centre will significantly contribute to the smoother development of RES in Lithuania. Currently, the process of establishing a renewable resources integration centre is in progress, organisational changes and team building are taking place.
Frequently asked questions about the Renewable Energy Integration Centre:
1. What is the Renewable Energy Integration Centre needed for?
In the next few years, there will be a turning point in the Lithuanian electricity transmission system - our country will transform from an electricity importing country into a producing country, that ensures the country's electricity needs and exporting the surplus. All this will be achieved through the development of new renewable energy projects, and our task, as of the transmission grid operator, is to promptly ensure the necessary infrastructure and project solutions in order for the solar parks, offshore and onshore wind farms and battery parks, that are being newly built, to be connected to the Lithuanian electricity transmission grid.
To implement this breakthrough, we are changing the structure of the company by establishing a specialised unit dedicated only to renewable energy projects, which will combine in one team competencies required for the development of renewable energy and will ensure smooth work with renewable energy developers, responsible institutions and partners.
2. How this will benefit the customers?
This change is important to the customers because:
  • All questions concerning the connection options, which the customer is concerned about, will be dealt with in one unit.
  • Better and more prompt provision of information about available and prospective network capacity and connection options will be ensured.
  • RES competences, creating prerequisites for providing consultations to market participants on RES issues in the future, are being developed.
3. Does the process of submitting and coordinating requests for connection change? 
Currently, neither the procedure for submitting requests, their coordination, nor the procedure for connection in relation to renewable energy projects are changing.
4. Do the responsible persons, contacts or procedure in relation to the already submitted requests or projects being coordinated change?
Currently, neither the responsible persons, nor their contacts, nor the coordination procedure in relation to the projects already submitted or being coordinated are changing.
5. Where can all information about RE connection options be found?
You can find all information about the procedure for connecting renewable projects on our website -, also can send an e-mail message to [email protected]. You may also contact us by telephone or write to the general contacts of Litgrid [email protected] or call the telephone number +370 707 02101.
6. Where to apply for information about the submitted requests and projects?
For already submitted requests or projects, please contact us by e-mail [email protected]. You may also contact us by telephone or write to the general contacts of Litgrid [email protected] or call the telephone number +370 707 02101
We remind the steps to be taken to connect to the transmission grid:
1. Submit a request to the Transmission System Operator (TSO) Litgrid for pre-conditions of connection.
2. Submit a request for signing a letter of intent.
3. Submit a guarantee of fulfilling the obligations of the TSO producers.
4. Submit a request to the National Energy Regulatory Council and obtain permission to develop electricity production capacity
5. Submit a request to the TSO for conditions of connection.
6. Prepare and harmonize a technical project
7. Enter into a contract for connection service with the TSO.
8. Obtain a document permitting construction.
9. Trial operation, and construction completion procedures.
Please note that from 26 April 2022, it is no longer necessary to apply to AB ESO for obtaining a refusal in submitting a request for the conditions of connection for electricity storage devices of >15 MW charging and discharging mode power, and for pre-conditions of connection for >15 MW power plant connection to the electricity transmission grid. It is sufficient to indicate in the request details of the joint refusal submitted to everyone by AB ESO (26 April 2022 No 22KR-SD-4004). In completing a request on the website of LITGRID, you will temporary need to attach “Refusal of AB ESO to connect power plants with a power greater than 15 MW” (see below in the annexes).
For questions about connecting renewable energy generators, write an e-mail message to [email protected]