Electricity market

Litgrid > Electricity market > Transparency


Transparency of data about the electricity market
Litgrid contributes to transparency on the electricity market by publishing information about the Lithuanian electricity market.
As a transmission system operator, Litgrid must comply with Regulation (EC) No. 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which requires the publication of data about the electricity market in Lithuania. 
This Regulation aims to provide the basis for a harmonized, transparent environment within the European electricity market. Publishing data, in line with the applicable rules on transparency, creates a level playing field for all market players, which fosters the development of the electricity market.  
Types of data
There are various types of transparency-related data:
  • real-time consumption data and load forecast ;
  • data about the interconnections with foreign countries (interconnection capacity, nominations, physical flows, maintenance schedule for grid components); 
  • generation data (generation facilities, available capacity forecast, nominations, unplanned outages, generated capacities); 
  • data about balancing in the Litgrid zone (imbalance in the Litgrid zone, price of imbalance);
  •  the investment plan for the Lithuanian transmission grid.